@Dallas Mavericks

Luka Doncic and Jason Kidd both get ejected for arguing with refs vs Timberwolves

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Zion Williamson sounds like Druski when flipping the question back on the reporter 😂

LeBron James and Anthony Davis stunned meeting Victor Wembanyama 😂


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  1. At this point, I'm watching an entire NBA game's worth of bullshit ref moments on YT. League is a joke, and has been

  2. Awesome refs. Take out the star player in the holiday season, all the kids and fans there to see him and you get your feelings hurt and that’s it.

  3. NBA refs are out of control nowadays. They think people buy tickets to see them!

  4. I know he deserved a tech. I knew he deserved an ejection. Speaking to a ref is an ejection, it's in the rule book. As if I could ever make such a mistake. Never. Never! I just – I just couldn't prove it. He covered his tracks, he got that idiot of a coach to say you can't eject players for this.

    You think this is bad? This? This chicanery? He's done worse. That free throw line violation! Are you telling me an opposing team just lies like that? No!! He committed it! Luka! And I didn't eject him! And I should have.

    He'll never change. He'll never change. Ever since he joined the NBA, always the same! Couldn't keep his hands off the freethrow ball. But not our Luka! Couldn't be precious Luka! Beating the other players blind! And HE gets to be an MVP?? What a sick joke! I should've stopped him when I had the chance! And you, you have to stop him! You…

  5. it's funny how people instantly react negatively on both sides without even knowing what Luka said… NOONE even knows the real reason of the ejection yet jumps to conclusions… LOL… most of you who picked sides are westerners for sure… for most of you, it's all about being okay with an a-hole or siding with a whiny sensitive b%$h… none of you thought about respect, sportmanship nor humility to say the least… Karens! HAHAHAHA

  6. Well Luka tried to bait the foul but then it just looked like Luka looked at the ref and got a tech

  7. Adam silver needs to reign this bullshit in now man before it has a catastrophic domino effect on the league.

  8. Theres need to be a different ejection rule. If they are constantly argueing and its nothing extreme then there should be technical B i guess, opposing team still shoot 1 ft per tech b and tech a should be if the player is doing something extreme to the ref or starting a fight and that should be immediate ejection upon one tech a. So we stop getting these soft ass ejects just because there is a total of two technicals

  9. Luka clearly lunges into the defender, tired of him getting those wack calls. Shouldn't have been ejected though.

  10. It seems personal They really hate this white guy imagine draymond green barks at the refs all night actually berates them every game and never gets thrown out or teed up hmmm

  11. NBA officials are the worst of all pro sports and it’s not even close. Their dumbassery is effecting the outcomes of games on a regular basis.

  12. People travel thousands of miles, during christmas, for these pitiful refs to throw star players out

  13. Bruh hell nah the NBA refs outta pocket everyday I see them get more and more petty with these technicals and ejections

  14. I think since the new Offensive foul rules have been in place last season, there's still a learning point between the players and refs, however players have been handling the non-foul calls poorly to the point that they argue every single play and I remember watching a mic'd up video where a ref was talking to John Salmons about Isaiah arguing about every play and to a ref that's been trained and been doing this for decades (Mott's 25th year in this case) they're being talked down to as though they don't know anything about how to ref basketball and that's pretty disrespectful in the refs' defense. At some point they'll retaliate and they'll retaliate up to a zero tolerance policy and perhaps this is why were seeing that large amount of techs lately.

    I don't agree with them 100% of the time, but the refs aren't perfect 100% of the time either and they know that, nor are they going to go back to calling ticky tacky fouls like they used to. Sometimes they'll let them play through, sometimes they'll call it. Let them do their job to the best of their ability and players need to stop arguing every play. Just seems to me the whole league is a wave of Rasheed Wallace's lol.

    I'm pretty neutral on what Rodney Mott did, I didn't watch the game from start to finish so I don't know what went on between him and Luka, but the stats down the line had Dallas at 23 personal fouls and Minnesota at 24 personal fouls. Minnesota simply destroyed them in the paint and caused 16 turnovers vs 11 of their own. By the way, it was the correct call not to call a foul on Luka as the new rules no longer give shooting fouls for the lean in to create contact, players should know that by now those will barely get called and unfortunately some players haven't adjusted out of that habit.

    Fun fact according to Official stats Rodney Mott reffing a Dallas game, Dallas is 59-37 and is the 2nd highest winning % when Mott refs their games.

    I do wish they did mic'd up more often, it's interesting to listen to a refs perspective of the game from the outside view trying to observe 10 players on the floor.

  15. The refs doin good job. Those yadda yadda wannabe superstars shall be sent off the court more often so they now their real place.

  16. This is pure evil. This is fuckin disgrace and these motherfuckers must be punished for matchfixing.

  17. Damn, why are y'all are so whiny? You already know he's swearing in Slovenian, not just here, but in every single game whenever he doesn't get what he wants. This is a classical Eastern European trait, I know it firsthand. And JKidd is literally arguing past half-court. Refs did exactly what they were supposed to do.

  18. The season is not even half way done and there's already multiple players getting the boot cause the refs has thin skin

  19. There wasn’t even a foul there, just Luka flopping, so I don’t get what Luka is crying about.

  20. Mark Cuban must be pissed about this, people come to watch great basketball and the refs decide thats not happening.
    Ejections used to be for violent or dangerous acts and now its the wefs feeling got hurt.

  21. This season the refs have been a joke, these guys need to go! Players association need to get something into the league, this is stupid

  22. These little wormy ass, crooked refs think the fans are there to see them. F them and the NBA

  23. It's not the first time. Some Players get away with big gestures, yelling,.. but not Luka. For him to get a T it's enough to look in the direction of the referee. Especially Tony Brothers. I watch NBA for decades now and this is Just so obvious – they're Just limiting Luka because he's too dominant.

  24. You can’t throw anyone like that without anything and without merit of being thrown at. 3rd Quarter, and it’s still possible for a comeback, but man, those refs ruined the game.


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