@National Basketball Association

[Highlight] Dame responds to a question about people wanting Shai to leave the Thunder for a better team

[Highlight] Dame responds to a question about people wanting Shai to leave the Thunder for a better team

by NevermoreSEA


  1. MarioSpeedwagon13

    It feels like basketball is the only one of the major sports where we have the problem of only a few teams being free agent destinations.

  2. WatashiWaWado

    Portland really lucked out cause dame is such a loyal dude and one of the best shooters in the league, hope he gets the help he needs to get over that hump

  3. RJBarrettsBurner

    Great listen. Dame really spittin some truths here.

  4. mwmiller93

    Great response. Can tell he’s put a lot of thought into that shit over the years

  5. They literally have Chet to add to that team. They are gonna be nice.

  6. Interesting that he points out having the star role and support of the franchise through injury. Ive always thought that if he left hed end up in more of a supporting role and it sounds like he’s considered the that. Staying in Portland was probably the best decision for him cause it’d have become championship or bust despite all hes done.

  7. KnoxsFniteSuit

    To me, this is like hearing a 25 year old rant about how having multiple kids and getting married at 21 was actually the most fulfilling thing he’s ever done. Like of course you’re gonna say that – you already committed.

    Dame is gonna finish his career as one of the most underrated PGs of all time because his front office was more focused on developing 19 year old projects than actually acquiring good role players. His new front office deserves time and credit, but Dame was loyal to Olshey and it cost him his entire prime on a mediocre team. Moe Harkless and Aminu started for these fucking guys.

    If SGA doesn’t leave OKC, the same shit is gonna happen to him. He will spend his entire prime on a bum squad and by the time he changes his mind his prime will be gone and people will see him as a dope #2. Which is his prerogative. But if he wants to be remembered as an all time player he needs to join a memorable team and win games there

  8. lilb1190

    People dont say Free Shai or Free Dame in spite of them. They say it in support of them. They are people who want to see these guys win a championship and dont think their current organization has done enough to make it happen.

    No they wont have to talk in that player’s shoes, but the belief is that a change would make things better for them.

  9. BBallHunter

    Mature response and good advice from someone who knows what he’s talking about.

  10. Kanajeji

    Shai is still quite young playing for a team with a very high ceiling thats only going to get better. I really haven’t seen anyone pushing him to leave and if they are then it’s incredibly foolish. However, loyalty to an incompetent FO is the height of foolishness. In fact, some might even say it’s cowardly because once you force you way out, people wont give you excuses or deflect blame to the FO anymore, you have to get things done or get flamed for it. Not everyone is brave enough for that.

  11. thebedwizard93

    Truer words were never spoken. Preach L1llard πŸ‘πŸΌ

  12. antwan_benjamin

    Perfect answer. Its very impressive he came up with such an accurate, well-thought out, well-worded answer on the spot.

  13. An unsurprisingly wise and thoughtful response from Dame. Dude is great.

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