@Los Angeles Clippers

Kawhi Jersey update… bruh— wtf do i do now

Kawhi Jersey update… bruh— wtf do i do now

by Ocinzwan


  1. AshenSacrifice

    I’d chargeback my card tf, they need to send you a correct one, not 15%!!

  2. alwaysneverjoshin

    Well that’s not acceptable at all. Do they have a twitter account? You should consider posting to get it some attention.

  3. mambastrong

    Jesus christ my brain only read the words “kawhi update” thought this mf got injured again

  4. Cheenzzz

    What the fuck this is through the NBA site?

  5. Prestigious_Elk923

    Just tell them no and to send you a replacement. Have them send you a shipping label to return your busted one. Simple as that

  6. El_Bolto

    Where did you buy it from where they just wont swap it out?

  7. Salty_Watermelon

    Cheap bastards. See if you can get some extra exposure for this on other subs/social media platforms. It’s a long shot, but even a small PR hit can force an otherwise greedy as fuck business to do the right thing.

  8. Slaphappyfapman

    Lol tell them you refuse that ‘offer’ and you want a new jersey

  9. armored_blu

    Nah dude. You needa to get on the phone with someone. Forget all that emailing back and forth shit.

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