@Toronto Raptors

Should The Raptors Entertain A Rebuild Or A Retool? | Raptors Show

Will Lou and Blake Murphy discuss if the Raptors should look to rebuild in a trade or just retool for this season.


  1. ā€œPlay in for whatā€ā€¦ blow it up. Seriously Masai and Bobby had enough time to evaluate this team. Weā€™re a Trend-mill team at the best – 1st round exit or at the best 2nd round exit if we are healthy based on match up against opponents. Trade Gary, FV and Siakam as their value is at the highest. Look at what Mitchell and Gobert got in the offseason. We can get hauls of 1st round picks and good prospects. Even trading Thad, Otto can get a late first. Tank and get top 3 picks and imagine if we get Wembanyama. Sorry for retooling? Paying siakam super max contract or Fred for $25- $30M and Gary for $20M- $25M and more. I thought we building for a championship. We donā€™t have an franchise player . Scottie maybeā€¦ siakam honestly only a legit all star but can he carry a team. No. Letā€™s face reality. Itā€™s been a great run letā€™s rebuild property.

  2. Couple trades and we are good, do it before the deadline @*#^$#@ sake, FEB 9th is to long from now.

  3. Iā€™m quite happy the Raptors didnā€™t trade for Kevin Durant. The Nets arenā€™t winning a title this year, so who really thinks a gutted raptors team would?

  4. Here is my take on it. FWIW. I donā€™t think Bobby, Masai, and Nick want to be middle of the road. And before anyone says on this comment that any of the 3 have to go then your an idiot. Bobby and Masai have built a top 5 culture, development staff, brand, etc. they have done more than enough. And Nurse is a top 5 coach in the league easily. This year may not look like it but sometimes teams donā€™t mesh and thatā€™s a part of basketball. But back to the main reason here. Like I said, they donā€™t wanna be a play in/in between team. Last year they could get away with it. Cause no one expected them to even be 500. They exceeded expectations. But my guess is itā€™s either go for a championship or hit rock bottom and hope Vic or Scoot is theirā€™s. If we look at contracts and how the team is constructed, there are for sure movable pieces/contracts. Gary, Fred, OG, Pascal, Thad, and Otto. Yes all 4 out of the 5 starters I listed can be moved and you can get enough back for them. Itā€™s hard to determine what players you get back for them plus with salaries involved. But my guess, between those 4ā€¦ā€¦.. a good 8 first round picks could be returned to the Raps. 4 for Pascal, 2 for OG, 1 for Fred, and 1 for Trent. With already having your and owning your 1st for the foreseeable future plus adding those. They could be at a great usage with them if needed. And trust me, if you get Vic or Scoot. Especially Vic. With already having Scottie. You can build around them and add free agency wise and maybe move picks/expiring contracts if necessary to add that way. Many many many options. Nowā€¦ā€¦ if they want to go on a championship run. Itā€™s not out of the question. I think Fred, Gary, and Khem are the best contracts to get your bang for. Wild idea, but if you could land Shai, and it means moving Scottie. If you can add to the bench with that Iā€™d do it. Shai is young enough and has 5 years left that Iā€™m fine with that move. But I do believe a championship run would require a main scorer, shooting, and true big man, and some bench depth/scoring. Thatā€™s a lot to do so thatā€™s why I think the other option might be easier and more attractive to the future. So thatā€™s my take on everything. I think I have made some good points but comment what ya think. Curious to hear what others have to say.

  5. Just wait. It just has been a bad month. The injuries just piled up after overplaying the players. I think next year will be good for the Raptors.

  6. I still think Scottie, OG and Pascal is good foundation. You can move Gary, Fred and pics for a better wing scorer/center. The chemistry with this team is way off. I donā€™t really get the sense that Scottie enjoys playing with Fred, and that could be curtains for FVV as a core member.


  8. rd exit, are we about winning chips or keeping MLS happy with a 1st rd gate, money..this franchise never goes over luxury..Top 5 franchise worth in the world, it's all about the green.
    They need 2 keep OG and Barnes, I keep Siakim 2..if he understands that his there 2 help team win and be the 3rd or 4th option..but I don't c that…I'll I can say..Rudy Golbert got four 1st rd picks and if we can get that or more..sorry Spicey time 2 move.
    Ball Hogg should be moved immediately, Trent, boucher, all other rift raft..gone..
    We have seen enough..30 games in and previous years..mehh..
    Once Kyle Lowry left the culture left with him, such a underrated player.
    Coach Nurse…he should be fired 2, it ain't gonna work in a long run,he doesn't trust the kids..he has 2 change or bye bye..

  9. Trade Fred for whatever we got. He and NN are holding back the development of young players.

  10. Can we stop talk about KD. He can't win w/o a super team. Watch tgem go on a long loosing streak b/c they are about to face stiff competition. The Nets remind me of last yr Bulls where the Bulls were beating up on .500 or below 500 tm & fail to win against tank.

  11. Blake how many gms are in the NBA? Teams that are where are they now most likely won't be there.

  12. Even we got KD, we will not win title with this yearā€™s FVV. Then what? KD asks another trade next year? And we lose all of future!

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