@Chicago Bulls

[Darnell Mayberry] DeRozan on his partnership with LaVine: “Every great relationship is a work in progress. And when you appreciate it and it’s something you want to be a part of, you’re going to go through the good and the bad with it. Not saying the bad is a bad thing. It just comes with it.”

[Darnell Mayberry] DeRozan on his partnership with LaVine: “Every great relationship is a work in progress. And when you appreciate it and it’s something you want to be a part of, you’re going to go through the good and the bad with it. Not saying the bad is a bad thing. It just comes with it.”

by OhiOstas


  1. moneyman2222

    So we’re not blowing it up lol. AKME said I’m not trading y’all so you better get along

  2. Atrain175

    Really sad if they aren’t getting along off the court man, fan frustration aside, really enjoyed these guys getting along and DeMar videos about getting Zach paid

  3. Capital-Vacation-881

    At least no one’s jaw has been broken from a sucker punch at practice

  4. allknowerofknowing

    Demar always says the right thing

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