@Los Angeles Lakers

LePassive Aggressive Bron with the message.

LePassive Aggressive Bron with the message.

by XoXHamimXoX


  1. quwin123

    If AD and Bron are both traded, Klutch will never work with us again. Neither will Mintz. We will be in bad shape going forward.

  2. BBaron08

    Honestly I wouldn’t even be upset.

    Bron delivered us a championship and AD who when healthy we saw how dominant he is.

    It’s not Bron’s fault that Rob blew up a 2020 championship roster for no reason and then we had to take a chance with WB and that failed. The dude is 38 and has maybe 2 years left of elite offensive basketball.

    It’s also not his fault Jeanie is cheap as fuck and didn’t even keep our home grown talent like AC who had shown to be a perfect fit offensively and defensively for us.

    He can’t waste a year here without our FO committing to winning

  3. PrimaryAcanthisitta8

    Yeah I’m sure he’s feeling like rob and Jeanie got his ass, AD is a lost cause with his injuries, and he damn sure ain’t winning anything with this roster….

  4. deion_snaders

    That’s straightforward aggressive, not passive aggressive.

  5. StoneColdAM

    I don’t blame him for being upset. I don’t know why anyone would think LeBron hasn’t been a bit passive aggressive about the team this season. He’s shown a lot of signs of it. I’m not saying he’s being mean, but he clearly is upset about the state of the Lakers and is trying to show the front office (and public) as much as possible. I don’t know what happens behind closed doors to say whether or not being publicly upset is justified. A lot of the fans probably feel like it is.

  6. pau__gasol

    Saw kcp ballin for the nuggets and got in his feelings

  7. doulikegamesltlman

    Lebron asked for Westbrook. Everybody knew it was a risky idea. Westbrook underperformed from his Wizards play and the experiment failed.

    Why should the front office invest draft picks in a 13-17 team with a hurt Anthony Davis? Making a move gets the Lakers out of the lottery and into the play-in. There is no current move that takes a 13-17 team to a championship with a hurt AD.

    People complaining about how cheap Jeannie is. But keeping Alex Caruso would have cost the Lakers $30M each year due to penalties and prevent resetting the cap next year. And the Lakers still would not have made the playoffs last year even with Caruso. Caruso is great, but not at $9M/yr. I do agree signing THT to that large of a contract was complete idiocy, even at the time. But it certainly seemed like the Lakers were doing a solid for Lebron’s friend Rich Paul in order to appease Lebron.

    Lebron should have never signed his extension if he wanted to win a championship. A lot of this failure is on Lebron because of the Westbrook setback and his LeGM/Klutch moves.

    Lebron can whine all he wants, but if I were GM, I’m not spending two picks on two useless bums like Hield and Turner to try and win this season. This season is a lost cause. Better to save those picks to try and win next season when Westbrook is off the books and hope Davis can stay healthy for 60 games.

    If Lebron truly wants to win, he should take a paycut like Harden to try and get additional help. Or he can request a trade and leave the LA lifestyle.

    I just don’t see a move right now that gets the Lakers to be a championship contender.

  8. blacknoir23

    Soulo’s album just dropped. Just a lil promo.

  9. wutevahung

    What’s he being mad about? Did he want the lakers to beat the suns without their 3 max players? Or is he mad about his self anointed the next great lakers can’t stay healthy more than 20 games? Or mad at himself for forcing the FO to trade for the worst contract in the league?

  10. TorontoRaptors34

    To me they have no one to be mad at but themselves. They 13-17 even without the right pieces they shoulda closed some games. They should be 17-13 not 13-17.

  11. rainkiss77

    It’s a little too late now. We don’t even know when will AD be available.

  12. SeaworthinessThis227

    It’s a strange way to go about it but I don’t mind him applying some pressure.

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