@Los Angeles Lakers

With more turmoil in Chicago, it seems to be a chance they’ll blow it up. Should the FO target Derozan or LaVine?

With more turmoil in Chicago, it seems to be a chance they’ll blow it up. Should the FO target Derozan or LaVine?

by Bussin_Out


  1. coachwyers

    If you had a chance at one of them, which I doubt Lakers have a package that Bulls would take it has to be Lavine.

  2. helpme_change_huhuhu

    To do what? Shoot more middies on top of the ones Russ bron and AD take, and not run back on defense?

  3. BizzyHaze

    Like me, when I wonder if I should target Margot Robbie or Jennifer Lawrence. Hmmm, choices.

  4. ThisAnswerIsLit

    Maybe we have a chance if we take on Lonzo’s contract. We might be the only team that is able to realistically absorb both contracts

  5. kasaan110

    Lavine but buyers beware. He has knee issues and his defense is absolutely horrible. Hopefully his decision making on offense is fixed with better coaching. But I honestly can’t see us getting neither because at minimum 3 first a required for all stars. So we will see.

  6. hansislegend

    I’d prefer neither. Lavine is hurt as much as AD and DeMar is a bad fit.

  7. isit65outsideor

    There’s only one player that the Lakers should even want and that’s AC. Zach and Demar don’t fit with LeBron and AD.

    Zach’s contract is a cancer at this rate. He needs the ball in his hands and he doesn’t play defense. His injury issues this year and off season are not ideal with AD’s.

  8. We don’t have room on the bench for Lavine. He has glass knead like lonzo

  9. powerliftingishard

    Keep derozan away from the lakers

  10. Ok_Mountain_4638

    Westbrook and Bev for Lavine and cruso should be enough. No picks
    Russ and Bev will mentor the bulls young guys while they tank

  11. Wooden-Image-4332

    Lavine. Dude is crazy good. He’s younger too so we’ll get better long term return from him. Him and demar can’t coexist in Chicago either

  12. TorontoRaptors34

    Id say hell no. You have up mad pieces for Russ you don’t have to do that again. Lavine is on a bad contract. Demar gives u similar issues u faced when Russ first came to the team. Demar is a less than steller defender, can’t play off ball, doesn’t shoot beyond the arc. Not sayin it can’t work but this team has no time to start over mid way. Demars a great player on his own he is a great mid range guy but he doesn’t do anything to help spacing. Lavine is also injury prone and has regressed heavy this season.

  13. TorontoRaptors34

    Tryna get Caruso back > Demar and Lavine if were being honest.

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