@Toronto Raptors

Has OG taken the leap offensively? I know 10 games isn’t a big sample size but honestly I wanna trade Fred & see what OG can do as the full time 2nd option. To me the core should be Siakam, OG & Scottie

Has OG taken the leap offensively? I know 10 games isn’t a big sample size but honestly I wanna trade Fred & see what OG can do as the full time 2nd option. To me the core should be Siakam, OG & Scottie

by NervousAd3202


  1. I don’t really think his scoring has changed that much, he’s just shooting a bit more efficiently. I still have a little bit of hope that he can become the guy we saw in the 2021 preseason no matter how unrealistic it might be lol

  2. CazOnReddit

    Yes-ish? The thing no one seems to be talking about is how OG’s 3 ball has fallen off of a cliff. He’s taking and making them far less than before.

  3. BoomerReggie

    His footing and movement around and under the basket has improved, pausing and taking step back to ensure a higher % shot. His 3-point shooting has regressed, but unlike Fred, I’m not concerned with his 3-point shooting moving forward. Agreed on your 3 core guys OP.

  4. jeRskier

    Agreed, build around OG/Siakam/Scottie, but Masai should still listen to offers as I’m sure he is

  5. InstanceMoney

    He’s starting to get to the rim more controlled. He’s not 100% there with his control just yet, but he has made improvements, and it’s resulting in him scoring better around the rim.

  6. thebeard1017

    The biggest problem with that core is that they all like to score the same way with post ups. We need floor spacing so if we could get a pure scorer to add to that core we got a squad.

  7. golden_rhino

    I dunno if I’d be comfortable with him as a number two. I’m happy with him being a 3 and D guy who occasionally cocks that joint back and bangs on people.

  8. Coldkane

    I think those types of data in that picture are always a bit misrepresenting. When one of the go to guys for a team is out, it’ll always benefit one of the other guys. Every dude in the NBA are there for a reason and can score. A vast majority of them don’t drop 20+ every single night because the game plan isn’t designed for them to do so.

    For example, when Lillard was out earlier this year, Simons was balling and putting up numbers. Or when Curry and Luka were out last playoffs, and it made Poole and Brunson superstars.

    I know everyone on this subreddit wants to trade FVV but I don’t love the idea. Honestly does everyone think that if we trade him away, it’ll magically make our team better and we start winning overnight?

    What I would want to see perhaps, is FVV taking a step back in terms of trying to score vs facilitating. That might give SB, OG and Siakam the boost they need to take their game to the next level. What I loved about Lowry when he was on the Raptors (even on the Heat now), is even if he only gets 10 points a night, you can bet your ass his fingerprint is going to be all over the game in everything else he does and can still hit timely shots when needed.

    I honestly don’t know if we get rid of FVV, that we’ll have someone else on the roster who can be a true PG or that we’ll get another PG from the trade who can do all that or will be willing to do so. I mean, look at the Bulls. (I know there’s news of Lavine being unhappy which probably factors into their current performance) When Lonzo was playing, and facilitating for them, they were being talked about for winning it all. Since he got injured, they’ve been mediocre and currently 11-18.

    I know this losing streak has sucked to watch but I don’t think FVV is the be all and end all of our issues. We just have to wait for Nurse and the boys to figure it out and get us back on track.

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