@National Basketball Association

A review of the tape shows Nikola Jokic may have had rather ridiculous extra 14th assist tonight — a purposeful, hard pass off the edge of the backboard to a teammate. The official scorers and the broadcast mistook it as a blocked shot and rebound but it appeared intentional by the Joker.

It was difficult to find this highlight, but you can see at the 6:04 mark in the 4th quarter, Jokic actually appears to purposefully throw the ball off the edge of the backboard to Aaron Gordon, who then dunks it:


The official scoring ruled it as a block by Jaren Jackson Jr., a missed field goal by Jokic, and a rebound and dunk by Gordon.

However a close look at the tape really does show it looks like a purposeful assist he didn’t get credit for.

If you watch Jokic’s shooting hand, you can see it follow through on the pass. That, and the higher velocity of the ball plus the fact that Jackson doesn’t appear to have made any contact with the ball, suggests it may have been an intentional pass.

by chicompj


  1. Might be a shot because he looks towards the sideline ref as if he wanted a shooting foul

  2. Shout out to his team mates being able to read his wild assists.

    This and that under the legs assist. Even if you’re on the same team, that’s some serious mind synchronizing they’ve developed as a team.

  3. ballgreens

    Wait, so does Gordon lose the rebound? Probably can’t be both an assist and a rebound?

  4. AkaiShuichi24

    Need that 1 assist I’m down 20 in assist category lol


    A pass off the backboard is never counted as an assist fyi.

  6. randomreddit_userLOL

    Per NBA rules, no shot off the backboard is counted as an assist no matter what

  7. DanteMustDie666

    Def intentional . Do passes of backboards count as assist in rules ?

  8. everydaysimon

    Joker out here playin 4D chess like it ain’t no thang in a top of the table game.

  9. neutronicus

    Nice flash-and-feed to start the play and a good catch from AG, as well

    Also good play by Jokic to bulldoze Clarke like 15 feet out of the play lol

  10. Relative-Bake4042

    Almost as offensive as robbing Tim Duncan from his quadruple double.

  11. voyaging

    Dude what the fuck

    Idc if that’s an assist or not, that was for sure intentional

  12. Bucketsdntlie

    Maybe y’all have hawk like vision but I can’t tell one way or the other from that video if JJJ blocked the shot or Jokic purposefully lasered it to Gordon.

    If it wasn’t blocked, it was for sure an intentional pass.

  13. Reasonable_Ad7619

    Saw this live thought I was the only one who noticed

  14. FluidsRevelations

    There’s no reason for official stat keepers to interpret what is and or isn’t a shot. The reason why the rule exists the way it does is for transparency. You could have everyone and their mother arguing every shot that came off the back board (To a rebound, to a bounce out, to flinging off the side of the backboard), could be an assist if the player who receives the ball after the rebound takes it and makes it.

    But why would you even open that door, if you could easily just mark it down as one or the other.

  15. Adam_brownies

    I’m pretty sure JJJ blocked it into the backboard, the ball was moving way to fast

  16. I’m sick of hearing about this mediocre game

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