@Boston Celtics

Thoughts on Trae Young potentially being available? JT, JB and Trae is intriguing

Thoughts on Trae Young potentially being available? JT, JB and Trae is intriguing

by misfiles76


  1. Fuckblackhorses

    Pass for me, he’s a god awful defender and wouldn’t be worth whatever we’d have to give up

  2. raycyca82

    Not interested in yet another small guard that cant play defense. Ainge always seemed to chase those and was no closer to the finals.

  3. Accomplished-Copy332

    Yea, this is a dream and I’m not sure if Trae makes the Celtics better. The Celts would have to deplete all their depth for a ball-dominant point guard that plays no defense. If the Celtics could get a Darius Garland or Tyrese Haliburton-type player, then maybe you make the trade to create that Big 3, but for Young, no.

  4. Kolzig33189

    He is one of the worst defenders in league and would be ruthlessly targeted in the playoffs. Definite pass.

    He makes Prichard look like jimmy butler on defense.

  5. DoomdUser

    That’s not intriguing at all. You do understand he’s on track to have the worst 3 point shooting season of all time for a player taking over 7 3PA per game, right? He’s also even more ball dominant than JB or JT, and he’s atrocious on defense…

    I’m not sure how Trae Young on the Celtics is intriguing at all. People think it’s been rough watching us brick 3’s over the past 10 days or so, at least our guys are still shooting decent percentages. Add in a guy who gets 30 PPG on 30 FGA, and it would be insanely frustrating.

  6. syrianboi1

    Would not be worth anywhere near the assets we’d have to give up would be such a pointless trade considering our roster this is the type of move you’d make if you’re chicago or Toronto

  7. LOL. Yeah he would fit in great. Small, ball dominant, not a high percentage shooter, doesn’t play defense.

  8. CarBallAlex

    He doesn’t play defense. He would get targeted in the playoffs which would be really bad on switches to our competition. Giannis (Milwaukee) and Embiid (Philadelphia) in the post, and Durant (Brooklyn) and Mitchell (Cleveland) to just shoot over him with little resistance. Not ideal.

  9. wilkinsk

    We don’t need anymore leaders on this squad

  10. quinnbeast

    This must be the same guy who wants to trade Verdugo for Ohtani…

  11. hypercafspazz

    I’d rather not even think about this please

  12. Dondon1927

    No man. How many small high usage guards who don’t play defense must we go thru?

  13. Sufficient-Rip-7834

    I’ll take the L and make a 2k sim

    *Gave up Malcolm Derrick and Danilo no picks I just overrode trades

    Tatum 1st team Young 2nd team Brown 3rd team Celtics 63-19

    I’m playing as Atl vs Cha in first round 4-5

    But I hate the idea viscerally much like everyone else in this thread.

    Who would we give up? Trae makes 37 actually mil say so we give up a salary combo within 20% of that I believe is allowed.

    So if we give up 2/4 or 3/4(including PP) of our PGs plus grant maybe o and gallo GAllinaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrri is sallo filler

    Others have said why its not ideal

  14. KDBurnerTrey5

    We already have two All Star level guys and one of them is stepping into the top 5 player conversation before our eyes. He don’t need Trae Young at all imo especially because our identity is two way. Defense is a big part of what we do when we’re at our best and Trae Young is a good player but bad fit for us. If we are going to make a big three I’d hope it would be for a better player and at the 4/5 position given the talent that we already have. We already have a surplus of good guards so we absolutely should not be gutting the roster for another one.

  15. mikesaninjakillr

    Hard No. Hes available because hes useless without the ball and a turnstile on defense literally dead weight for a team that wants to win.

  16. I think we have our primary PG rotation exactly where we want it. 3 excellent to above average guards that have size, defensive monsters, good to sometimes great shooting and all work great within the offense. At the point that Tatum and Brown are at I think it makes the most sense to have the ball handlers around them as complementary instead of star players.

    What this team does need is another shot making/creating wing with size that can defend and an above average rebounding big. There will be games in the playoffs where one of the Jays may be hurt or in foul trouble or we are getting killed on the glass. There really isn’t a great option off the bench to fix either of those situations that that’s a weakness of this roster.

  17. Medium_Egg1968

    We need a backup wing that can create their own shot or a solid back up center. Trae wouldn’t be as bad as people here are saying but he wouldn’t solve any of our problems and we’d have to lose depth taking on that contract.

  18. Drizzlybear0

    Star packed teams don’t work 99% of the time. The more important thing is to have 1 or 2 true stars and build a well constructed roster around them.

    Trae makes no sense.

  19. Trae is a ball dominant score first point guard who doesn’t play defense. That’s not what we need.

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