@Houston Rockets

Re: Red Rowdies?? Red Rowdy Tryout – Mavericks at Rockets, Friday, 12/23/2022

[There was a thread a few weeks back where a Redditor asked about what happened with the Red Rowdies](

My reply in that thread [picked up some traction on Twitter]( and ended up getting the attention of some of the decision-makers with the Rockets organization.

As a result, in the last three or four games, the small group the season started with was supplemented with an extra 30 or so Red Rowdies.

Tonight, we were informed that they’ll increase the ticket allotment significantly for Friday’s home game against the visiting Dallas Mavericks.

We have plenty of veterans who we’ll enlist to attend, but we’re going to have a lot of extra tickets. Therefore, it’s been decided that we’ll be hosting a mid-season tryout at the game on Friday at 7 pm. **Prospective Rowdies will be given a ticket in Section 114 with the current Red Rowdies via the AXS App.**

The rules are simple:

* **You must be able to prove that you’re at least 21 years of age or older. Absolutely no exceptions.** The Rowdies are sponsored by Michelob Ultra, and, therefore, cannot have anyone under the age of 21 participating.
* **You must be Rowdy as hell**. *What does this entail?* Use your best judgement keeping in mind that you will be judged by Veteran Red Rowdies to determine whether you make the cut. People who aren’t Rowdy enough simply will not be invited back.
* **You must be willing to wear red and you must be willing to stand while the game is ongoing.** Relating to the last point, if you’re not Rowdy, you won’t be added to the squad and you won’t be invited back.
* **You must be willing to be relied upon to attend a ton of games.** It would take a miracle to make the playoffs this year, but know that the Rowdy people who’ve been long-term Veterans have gone to a ton of playoff games *for free*. Veterans have a leg up on Rooks because they know what’s expected and the PIC knows what they bring to the table.
* **You must have access to the AXS App to receive tickets.**

In my first year as a Red Rowdy, the tryout was conducted in a similar meritocratic manner to this and we ended up with a strong rookie class that was Rowdy as hell — many of whom are still contributors!

If being a Red Rowdy is something you’ve considered, this is a great opportunity for you to make that happen! **If you’re interested, get at me and we’ll get the ball rolling on next steps. Good luck! May the Rowdiest among you rise to the top!**

by Johndoe804

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