@National Basketball Association

[NY Post] Lawyer flagged by MSG facial-recognition removed from Knicks game

[NY Post] Lawyer flagged by MSG facial-recognition removed from Knicks game

by vegeta_91


  1. lol damn so if you just work for a firm that’s involved in a lawsuit against MSG, even if you have absolutely nothing to do with the case, you’re not allowed to attend any MSG operated venues?

  2. 2023LakerSuck

    I wonder how good it is. What if I had a face mask, hat and glasses?

  3. I see nothing wrong. If your suing my business, wouldnā€™t want him in there as well.

  4. campbellhw

    The industrial revolution and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race

  5. Dan-Flashes

    Facial recognition shouldnā€™t be legal.

  6. Altlurker30

    I know this is weird but does anyone have a link to a research paper that dives into real time facial recognition?

  7. Struggle2Real

    Any lawyers available to inform if there is any probability that an action against jd here would go anywhere?

    I can’t imagine how msg would be compelled to rescind this position. Still shitty though.

  8. Ophelia_Of_The_Abyss

    Dolan’s playing petty dictator now, got his own domain and everything.

  9. shingofan

    Maybe it’s just me, but the fact that it’s the NY Post reporting this makes me question its veracity.

  10. nooblevelum

    Funny how this would be 3,000 upvotes if it were a Chinese company doing this.

  11. DJLookinAss

    Unsurprising Dolan behavior. Feel bad for Knicks fans they gotta deal with a hypersensitive rich kid of an owner. If anyone isnā€™t aware of how much or a clown Dolan is, the podcast Shattered on The Athletic network does a great job breaking it down. Worth a listen.

  12. RipCityTilIDie

    Good. Big corp lawyers need to know there are consequences for their actions.

  13. “I’m sorry, I thought I was in America.”

  14. CometAzur42069

    I mean facial recognition is in phones, it aint that hard to scale that tech. Pretty funny tho

  15. Dolan: Letā€™s install facial recognition software in the arena.

    Head of security: Ok great, that way we can keep out dangerous people that might harm folks who come to watch the games.

    Dolan: No, I want to keep out decent people like lawyers that have nothing to do with some other case their law firm handles against us.

    Head of security: Wait. What?

  16. reddit-account-user

    I wonder if Silver and the rest of the league are okay with Dolan beefing up his in-game surveillance regime to target and punish his embarrassingly petty enemies list?

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