@Atlanta Hawks

Jeff Schultz went on 92.9 the game today and said that there have been bad things happening inside the Hawks FO since the summer time and he can’t write about them

Yikes. Also said that it would not be inaccurate to assume that there have been disagreements at the top of the organization about the direction of the team. Link below, Hawks talk starts around the 7:09 mark.

by Ice2jc


  1. OkongwuDPOY

    Are we getting demoted to the G-league for too much drama?

  2. ahend1999

    im sure somebody will leak it. and im like 90% sure our reporters know about the higher level turmoil too, if fckn kirschner knew how bad shit is and buddy isn’t even here.

    well, if our reporters are doing stuff off the record* let’s hope HFTV got another exclusive in them. 😭

    *which would annoy me a little because i feel like none of our reporters have indicated in articles of front office turmoil, they wouldn’t even break the fact that trae and nate had an argument

    thanks for posting!!

  3. Avalon_Don

    If it’s been going on since summer then that means everybody wasn’t on board with the Huerter trade…

  4. WuriderX

    So why say anything at all? What is the point of even making this statement?

  5. mrmercenary10

    Well great. This is just awesome. I’m so glad I’m a hawks fan. Just when the organization starts to turn around for the better and there’s a couple stars teaming up, the FO starts to fight and make things worse. When will this be over? So tired of this shit. Tony Ressler is for sure behind it..

  6. Buteo_jamaicensis

    Don’t worry Hawkers, I’ve got the inside scoop. See, what happened was that Schlenk had a policy of only wanting to hire coaches who were “his” guys, if you know what I mean. Guys who were “cut from the same cloth,” if you get what I’m saying. Guys who “were completely bald just like him,” if you catch my drift. The hiring of Lloyd Pierce and subsequently Nate McMillan were the natural result of this policy. Unfortunately though, while this policy may have worked for some teams, the fact that Trae Young has such a magnificent head of hair inevitably caused tensions to arise in the locker room as the coaches promoted a “bald is beautiful” philosophy that fundamentally clashed with Trae’s outlook. Naturally, while the coaches knew they had Schlenk’s full support, the Hawks’ owner Tony Ressler — known for his abundance of hair — sympathized more with his star player, which only caused the conflict within the organization to build further, until things finally reached a breaking point when Nate outright demanded that Trae shave his head, and Trae responded by refusing to show up to the Hawks’ next game. At that point, it was clear that the writing was on the wall for Schlenk and his bald agenda, and it wasn’t long before Ressler asked for his resignation, promoting Landry Fields (with his full head of hair) in Schlenk’s place. Time will tell if Nate will still be able to leverage what remaining goodwill he has within the organization to keep his position, or if he will be replaced by a more pro-hair coach like Quin Snyder or Kenny Atkinson — but at the moment, things are looking dire for him to say the least.

  7. Juganator

    I can’t remember a time ever that the Hawks has had this much drama. I think we made it y’all.

  8. I see what must be done… I guess I’m just going to have to buy the Hawks…

  9. ATL4Life95

    Let’s go protest these fucking clowns. Tell them to get their shit the FUCK together and do SOMETHING to win us a damn championship.

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