@Atlanta Hawks

Posting a meme everyday until the Hawks win a chip – Day 11

Posting a meme everyday until the Hawks win a chip – Day 11

by Ricciardo3f1


  1. ATLFaithful53

    Love the Hawks✅
    Love watching Nate stand there with his arms crossed❌
    Love that Nate’s son is an assistant coach❌
    Love watching Holiday Season get any playing time whatsoever❌
    Love that Tony made his son Pres of business and basketball ops so we spend 0 money, Trae runs the team, and we never go over the luxury tax❌
    Love that we haven’t had a backup PG since Trae has been on the team❌
    Love that Frank Kaminsky is ever allowed to leave the bench❌
    Love that we don’t play basketball whatsoever in the first half❌
    Love that the city shows up late af to the games so they’re dead at tip-off❌
    Love our offensive scheme❌
    Still a Hawks fan for life✅

  2. ImgonnawaverwireAB

    Bout to send this meme to my wife’s boyfriend he is going to love this shit

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