@Utah Jazz

So you’re saying there’s a chance…

So you’re saying there’s a chance…

by StarlordOfArkansas


  1. Andrewski18

    The Jazz’s biggest problems that need fixing this year:

    -Transition defense

    -Bigs foul too often

    -Live by 3’s, die by 3’s

    -Struggles with rebounding

    Please, enlighten me on which of these issues would be fixed by acquiring Trae Young.

  2. halfpackkools

    Please no. Trae is fun and all but he’s basically a smaller Harden and is trying to run another coach out of town. I’d prefer John Collins.

  3. fhejehfjciwhd

    Whatever team trades for trae is going to regret it for 10 years. If you want to win a title he’s not the guy.

  4. efernand1

    If I was to make a list of players I’m least interested in Trae Young might be at the top.

  5. mintofta

    Celtics don’t want another undersized ball dominant PG so that’s one less contender to worry about

  6. No thanks, we have a lot guards taking shots already.

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