@Los Angeles Lakers

Pat Bev in the past 9 games: 48% from beyond the arc;3.4 attempts a game

Pat Bev in the past 9 games: 48% from beyond the arc;3.4 attempts a game

by HornyForCornell


  1. Awesomefan09

    Regression to the mean.

    I’ll gladly take it.

  2. Any_Wrongdoer_9796

    The best role player him and Reaves

  3. Bahamut727

    Between bev and Russ playing okay atm, it atleast helps us slightly while AD is still out. We need everything we can get. TBJ, Bryant etc

  4. BiddiesofTig

    Y’all ever think Ham knows what he’s doing and he’s playing all these guard line ups to see who flows the best together?

  5. Danny_III

    Glad the reversion to the mean is finally happening, hopefully all those idiots who only look at ppg will shut up about trading him. Lakers need more above league average defenders who can provide spacing

  6. the1_n_only

    If he was the only 6’1 guard on the court he’d be a lot more effective overall. The shooting coming back has been nice

  7. Cold_Saber

    He’s been actually been playing well on average since then, he just usually has a bad play that overshadows his good ones. He’s finally doing what we signed him for, but it just sucks that he has to guard players who are way bigger than him because of roster construction.

  8. BearShark8

    Which is why it was wild that everyone was complaining he shot 5 3’s in the first, especially after he has made 2 in a row. If he misses 5 in a row, fine, stop shooting. But 2/5 is fine. He was wide open, keep shooting.

  9. Conscious_Capital249

    BRuh, give him that oscar for that flop

  10. I figured he would balance out at some point. Now make a decision between him and Shroder

  11. Drumsticksboy

    Before reading the title and just looking at the picture I thought it was going to be a troll post where you were going to put how many claps he had in the game since I wasn’t expecting much of a good game from him lol.

  12. TEDPED24

    I found it Hilarious how he took 4 open 3s, clanked all 4. Then proceeded to hit the next 3.

    All in the first 6 minutes of the game, not an exaggeration. 7 3s in 6 minutes of action.

    I can honestly say, every time he took it, i was never upset about it, he’s always been a threat.

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