@Atlanta Hawks

12/27/2022 Hawks Postgame Comments

[Lauren L Williams](

Nate McMillan on tonight: “They established their pace from the start of the game. We didn’t win a quarter…they played their game tonight” “It seemed like we had heavy legs… those 3 days off.”

Trae Young on tonight, “That’s just the way they play. They push the ball… Tyrese and Buddy they search from 3s.”

Trae Young said he was kneed in the calf on the play before he exited the game.

Trae Young said he hopes he’s able to play tomorrow after exiting tonight’s game early.

Nate McMillan did say those 3 extra days are like going from “0-60” and they scrimmaged yesterday but nothing can really simulate a live game.

[Kevin Chouinard](

Nate McMillan: “It’s just not controlling the basketball and keeping the ball in front of us.”

by ahend1999


  1. ahend1999

    SGAHSHSHSJS “Heavy legs” we all called it 😭


  3. Please explain to me how this team has “heavy legs” after 3 days of downtime Nate, quickly!

  4. Ty_Heery

    Ahend I have no idea how you watch that game and have the nerve to look at postgame comments. I’d lose my mind. You’re a much better person than me

  5. ahend1999

    Hawks are in trouble. Kevin getting traded started it all, then Schlenk randomly going into an advisory role….owners son in charge of basketball decisions because he’s young and can relate to the team 🤯

    I remember some of Hawks Twitter and Reddit were like “Huerter who?” cus AJ was making 3’s 😭

    (Not saying we even needed to keep Kev, but decisions made after that are highly questionable)

  6. shawtay30281

    I’m so disappointed in the Hawks! Get rid of Trey and build the team around Collins and OO, and the rookie! #hardpilltoswallow

  7. CounterInsanity

    This son of a woman who I’m sure is a lovely lady.

    Heavy legs Nate!? The Pacers got blown out by the Pels last night missing their 2 best players, how the hell do we have the heavy legs? WHY do we have the heavy legs? Is that not you and your assistants responsibilities to make sure we don’t have “heavy” legs?

  8. Atl-Fan_FTS

    … mention pace one more FUCKING time Nate

  9. ahend1999

    Nate got me listening to HFTV Postgame spaces, and actually wanting to say shit, I’ve reached a new low.

    Edit: They’re talking about the likeability of a Coach Korver

  10. felixkorea

    “yea guys we had some hEaVy LeGs” Shut your skin tone chicken bone google chrome no home flip phone disowned ice cream come garden gnome extra chromosome metronome dimmadome genome full blown monochrome student loan Indiana Jones overgrown flinstones and y hormone friendzone Sylvester Stallone Sierra Leone autozone professionally seen silver patrone ching chong ling long suck my ding dong headass remote control autism down syndrome stage four terminal brain cancer O’Riley autoparts silver bronze ash amino UV light pen sushi ram ramen Harisson Ford gamer bitch ass Virgin Lamp thermometer lean mean string bean Charlie Sheen limousine canteen trampoline serpentine anti histamine wolverine submarine unclean nectarine broken gene Halloween detective spleen smoke screen James Dean putting green tiny peen anti aquamarine eugene extra gravy the vaseline jelly bean magazine protein Lighting McQueen vending machine what’chu mean ocean man by ween head ass tf up bitch

  11. Dapper-Investigator1

    When do we consider trading trae?

  12. Affectionate-Bat9708

    “Heavy legs” really, Nate? What will the excuse be tomorrow? “heavy legs” because due to a back to back 🙃

  13. This is just getting ludicrous. Nate clearly ain’t it and always has something to blame outside of coaching/play. Can we start a petition or something? I’m mean I can’t keep giving a shit if the coach and owner doesn’t. This is such mediocre basketball it’s worse than bad.

  14. HamlnHand


  15. Blumpkin_Party

    Honestly excluding a blowout v the Pistons. When was the last time we were proud of a good performance v a halfway decent team? The Bucks game like 6 weeeks ago?

  16. pk-pk-pk

    Lol, he really is a fraud coach isn’t he.

  17. Wild_Panda_5711

    I can kinda understand it. Players get in a rythem and having 3 days break has to break that. Still fire him tho

  18. TastyAdvance5254

    His comments make me feel
    Worse after actually being there to watch it 😳🤦🏾‍♂️

  19. ImgonnawaverwireAB

    How the fuck did we go to the conference finals with this dude lmao

  20. thessalylarissa

    As convincing and solutions-oriented a press conference as a Southwest Airlines PR statement circa the past 48 hours.

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