@New York Knicks

New York Knicks VS The Dallas Mavericks Live Postgame Show #knicks

The Knick Of Time Show talks about the Knicks vs Mavs game Live with Knick fans!

Intro background music by
MafiaMuzik aka Swagger GOD On Instagram & TikTok

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  1. Up 9pts with 33 seconds and lose is despicable. Moral victories is for looser HELLO WE PLAY THE GAME TO WIN

  2. The game was too close towards the end of the 4th and I had a sick feeling that we would lose this game. The team played their hearts out .We need a Luka.

  3. Hate playing race card but , imagine if a black player whined and bitched after every call like Luca does. Those calls down the stretch were ridiculous

  4. Jay Ellis I have a question The Situation with Cam and Evan do you this is good look for Knicks Front Office and Thibbs because Thibbs could have extended the rotation Cam played well no explanation from The Knicks if I am player of another team I would think twice before I sign with The Knicks I believe Raw makes excuses for Thibbs

  5. Raw stop it about Cam he played well then he got injured came back played one and Thibbs without explanation takes him out of the rotations so I have been Knicks Fan for 42 years your making excuses for Thibbs

  6. This Hebrew guy is making way too many excuses for thibs. If both of your star guys are out you adjust and expand your bench!! The last five games players have looked exhausted. Can't win with guys playing 45 minutes a night. Eventually it's going to backfire and thats what we're seeing.

  7. The Knicks did really good. But at the end of regulation and overtime they were either gassed or looked a little bit in disarray. Like they were missing that leader which is usually Brunson to lead them.

  8. “I like the fact that they got 46 minutes for McBride”

    Nuff said about this dude. He don’t care about anything on this team but Miles McBride.

  9. J Ellis don’t let this guy Raw Hebrew affect your basketball opinions. Dude is clueless.

  10. Coach Combover doesn't even think about playing zone Luca was killing your man to man defense all night long.I don't see any good from this lost, ultimate choke job

  11. Luka got to rest on defense. Love Deuce, but there was no one for him to hound in this game. 1-9 from 3 too.

  12. Game Breakdown – 23-year old white boy beats the entire New York Knicks team & Coaches, to put your team down in NBA history again !

  13. Julius played well. Grimes played the best game of his career. Mitch was great. They lost because they can't organize a fluid offense in crunch time. I love IQ, would NOT trade him, I appreciate the distribution he had in the 1st half, but crunch time or the playoffs, he is not THE point guard. Deuce ain't it either. Only drose has a chance of doing that with Brunson out.

  14. This is becoming routine….Are the Knicks strictly in this league just to be the butt of all NBA jokes? Are we here just to be put in the losing end of NBA History books? What the hell is going on? Meanwhile Luka already has that Superstar treatment in the paint… can't breathe on dude without a foul being called. This limited rotation is killing Knicks players in the last quarter.🤔

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