@Detroit Pistons

Magic vs. Pistons FIGHT Killian Hayes Knocks Out Mo Wagner 😳


  1. Hayes should be suspended for the rest of the season. Gotta set an example, blows to the back of the head are extremely dangerous.

  2. Nah Wagner would’ve been getting these hands if he ain’t come back me up after that cheap shot smh pussiest brother of all time

  3. Both were cheap shots but one was in the play and one was after the play… to the back of his head while he's being held. I'm guessing a 1 game suspension for Wagner and a lot more for Hayes.

  4. Ya'll are dumb liars, he was passing out already for some reason..he was fainting for some reason. He was LITERALLY ALREADY losing conscious for some reason.

  5. As clear a case of criminal assault & battery against Hayes as there could be. He needs to be permanently banned from the game & prosecuted. He'd better hope he didn't cause a close-head injury ( sub-dural hematoma) w/ that one.

  6. Mo is a dog. Horribly Unsportsmanlike, could of hurt/injured Killan. Unacceptable.
    Mo deserved to be stomped. Pistons were very calm considering how dirty the play was

  7. From what I've seen from a basketball perspective, both players were simply trying to hustle for the ball and Mo Wagner inadvertently pushed Hayes. That was a dangerous play and he was wrong for that. Wagner looked like he was trying to apologize. Diallo pushed Wagner from behind which might have rocked Wagner a little bit cuz I saw the whiplash. Hayes shouldn't have thrown a punch at all. It looked really bad because a punch was thrown. The minute you do that that's automatic suspension. He should have just shoved him back. It wouldn't have been so bad they would have just been ejected from the game. Now Hayes is gonna be suspended. And also they usually say that if any of the players leave the bench they also get suspended but that's mostly the entire team that just went over there so I don't know what's going to happen there. Both players were wrong at the end of the day. Remember what happened during the Knicks and nuggets fight a few years ago?

  8. He got hit in the back of the head. That's so dangerous. He may be fine now and then be concussed or even paralysed later.

  9. Just rebrand the B in NBA to Brawling. Not a week goes by without some altercation.

  10. I’m sorry, but perform a “hard foul” like that & it’s all fair game after that.

    Unfortunate. Hopefully a learning lesson for everyone.

    Glad there weren’t more serious injuries or a “Malace at the Palace” part 2.

  11. In the back of the head is a no-go even in mma… Wagners foul was bad too. But Hayes cant do that.

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