@Houston Rockets

Why Would James Harden Return to Houston? | The Mismatch | The Ringer

The Ringer’s Kevin O’Connor and Chris Vernon break down the Philadelphia 76ers and how things are trending in the right direction for them. They also discuss the rumors of James Harden wanting to return to Houston when he becomes a free agent in the summer.

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  1. Harden's peak/prime is far behind him. Harden (as is Westbrook) deserve the league minimum!

  2. He misses being the toast of the town. He misses the strip clubs and night life. He was probably the biggest celebrity in Houston during his time out there.. also taxes aren’t nearly as bad as Brooklyn or Philly

  3. He moves like a chick. He's trying to come back after it didn't work out for him in "greener pastures". Kick rocks, sister. You ain't man enough to be in Texas.

  4. “For the first time in his career he doesn’t have to be the best player on his team” KOC he played for OKC and the Nets with two superstars each and was never asked to be the best player on either of those teams.

  5. Harden misses all the great opportunities to put young ladies through college he got in Houston.

  6. I think it's an obvious BS Report from ESPN considering that they released it literally 30 minutes before the Christmas game, trying to give the Knicks an edge by messing with the Sixers mentally and drive traffic to their social media / website

  7. Is legit benefits neither side which is why I think this report is BS. Pardon said his ultimate goal is to win a championship and he's not doing that in Houston right now

  8. So he try and score high 30s again and be the man. 22 ain't enough he wants Embiid stats. He's not Lebron going back to lead the young guns to contention he wants final solo glory. I'm hoping Houston won't be stupid enough to let him at their young core.

  9. Harden has always played how he’s playing. Not sure why they think he’s any different 🐐🐐

  10. Philly is going to pay him. What other choice do they have? Let him walk for nothing? Unless they get rid Harris they can’t really do anything in free agency

  11. I think this is just smoke by his agent to pressure Philly to give him the max deal he wants

  12. Embid free throw leading MVP race? Buaahahahaha give me a minute to figure it out 😖🤣😭🙈

  13. Did you say for the first time in his careee he doesn’t have to be the best player? He was third to Durant and Westbrook

  14. So, does Houston want this tho? Like you went ahead a ditched them and now you want back in? Idk man.

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