@National Basketball Association

LeBron James turns 38 years old today

He was born on December 30th 1984.

Despite being 38, he is averaging 28/8/7 this season.

[LeBron’s stats](

[LeBron’s age](

by jack64467


  1. JordanPooleParty

    Feels like it was just yesterday he was riding around in his Hummer… time flies.

  2. Don’t know why but I thought that Lebron’s age link would just lead to graph that linearly increases.

  3. LeBron “This isn’t even my final form” James

  4. Low_Beyond8134

    I am truly dreading the day he retires hopefully the day never comes

  5. norihitodesuga

    >playing basketball at this level just to be playing basketball is not in my DNA. It’s not in my DNA anymore

  6. ImTheBestNerd

    Crazy that there are guys being drafted who were born after Lebron entered the nba.

  7. Flat_Stranger69

    And still playing like he is in his prime

  8. WhenItsHalfPastFive

    Never been a player playing this well at 38 years old, 20 seasons into the league, with this much playoff/finals experience.

    It is so wildly out of the range of what a player would play like with that many minutes on him, but I still feel like it’s not getting the right type of recognition. It’s always just surprise reactions about how he’s still playing well at 38, year 20 after seeing a few highlight dunks. But just compare it to the other greats.

    I get some people get annoyed by comparing greats. But Jordan was not nearly this good in his Wizards days. Kobe was not even close in his year 20, he was even much worse than Wizards Jordan, Kobe averaged like 16 points on 35% shooting. He was atrocious, understandably so, he was never the same after the achilles injury. Kareem was averaging like 10 points by then.

    LeBron is still putting up a damn near prime numbers, on significantly better efficiency than anyone has at this stage in their care.

  9. Hendo8888

    Say what you want about the Lakers and their roster construction and their results the last couple years, we can’t take for granted watching what this guy is still able to do at his age with the miles he has on his legs.

  10. Ok-Swimming8024

    “Hey Dee! Lebron turns 38 today!”

    “Nobody cares!”

    “Shit, I don’t care either”

  11. skyfuckrex


    Why you rounding stats like that lol

  12. Trailblazin15

    I don’t know care about what y’all say about this man. It makes me kind of sad the end is coming close. Hate it or not this man has been a joy to watch at a elite for many years. Say what you want but his craft and work to the game has been undeniable.

  13. Anyone who has the means to see LeBron play live should really take the opportunity to do it before its too late.

    We only have a few more years of this dude.

  14. Handyman2116

    He’s gonna lose today to the new LeBron, Jalen Johnson

  15. _Cant_Touch_This_

    Year is 2032
    LeBron James turns 48 years old today
    He was born on December 30th 1984.
    Despite being 48, he is averaging 18/5/4 this season.

  16. SharontheSheila

    It’s wild to think that LeBron is essentially a 90’s kid

    Time is weird

  17. notjoeexotic

    There are no PEDs that can defeat Father Time.

  18. nutelamitbutter

    Lucky that i was fortunate enough to watch prime lebron. we will never see a player like him again

  19. BossVicKoss

    I forgot he wasn’t already 38 since I feel I’ve seen so many commenters on this subreddit call him that for like 3-6 months now.

  20. He could play till he’s 42 tbh. His scoring record will be untouchable

  21. ChattTNRealtor

    Hopefully he’s not like CP3, humming all along and magically right after his birthday he’s been playing like an old man

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