@Brooklyn Nets

I Was Wrong About The Nets…

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  1. I can’t wait until January 12th when we wipe our a*es with the Celtics so this whole oooh the Celtics are better sh* can end because it’s just not true.

    Check this out…if they’re soooo much better than the nets why is it that last season when we were swept, when we had all those issues and injuries and a cone for a coach did they beat us only by 1-6 points? Those games were closer than people like to admit.

    If they’re soooo much better why not by 15+ like we just did to the bucks? Or how we did to the bucks in game 1-2 of the post season before the injuries?

    If they barely beat us last season (with trash) what makes you think they can beat us now with Simmons, Yuta, Harris, Clax playing how he is, TJ, O’Neil, KD and Kyrie playing like they are now?

    I can’t wait to hear the excuses when we beat them.
    It’ll be oh yeah they won but they can’t do it in a seven game series lmfao 🤡

  2. I’m sorry it’s the Pels, Nuggets, Nets and Celtics!!

    NO ONE else is on the same level as these teams.

  3. I could of told you that look at my twitter lol it’s logic y’all look into the wrong shit and not logic so of course you’re wrong

  4. Yeah u were one of the people following the crowd and not understanding how the NBA works it’s a long 82 game season and after like 10 games u and a lot of other outlets were talking about it’s over for the nets after 10 games 🥴🤦🏾‍♂️😂😂😂😂a lot of people really need to learn how the nba works

  5. If you was wrong stay wrong don’t hop on the bandwagon now let us work we’ll see y’all at the top big nets world !!!!!

  6. I think Kyrie mentally hit a "screw this I'm about to ball out and remind the world who I am" moment after his suspension and his team backed him up. Teams with a collective mission they believe in is always dangerous

  7. they should’ve kept Kenny Atkinson to begin with…he built the culture, KD & Kyrie came and started trying to do too much, it’s KD & Kyrie fault…players think their bigger than the system

  8. No no you are still totally correct one of the big 3 on that team will be injured or not finish the season somehow destroy the team. Any tacres

  9. Rusty analysis – (Brooklyn doing bad ) "this is not a good team" (Brooklyn does good) "this is a really good team " lol smh

  10. Definitely the coach change, but also Simmons just got his stamina back. Takes some time physically and mentally coming back from an injury that requires surgery. In addition, simplifying the schemes on both ends of the floor.

    TJ Warren was nice boost as well. Not to mention how awkward things may have been in the locker room with Nash after KD asking for a coach change.

  11. You didn't think they was a threat because you had hate glasses on, crying for your incompetent coach Steve Nash. When you hateful and bias you make a a$$ out of yourself! Easy to see the problem was NASH!

  12. I do respect a man who can admit when they wrong so kudos for that. Alot in the media wants to stay stuck on wrong and will never admit when they Wrong! BIG UPS👈

  13. It’s really not that deep, health is the biggest change. Coaching change 2nd but the Nets have more healthy/ available players this year than the past 2. 🤷🏾‍♂️

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