@National Basketball Association

Greg Popovich “jokingly” said they’re gonna hold Luka under 50 before their matchup. Luka had 51 pts.

Greg Popovich “jokingly” said they’re gonna hold Luka under 50 before their matchup. Luka had 51 pts.

by vincired


  1. jackofnac

    And won by 1. I love the NBA plots this season.

  2. Greg so old the key on Ben Franklin’s kite was to pop’s apartment

  3. I hope Pop is better w/ his new year resolutions!

  4. QBert999

    he had 51 points and the Mavs needed every one of them, they won the game by 1 point. if the Spurs had held Luka to 49 they would have won. Pop knows basketball.

  5. Jonsnoosnooze

    This is how you know the Spurs are committed to tanking. Pop would have kept his mouth shut instead of announcing his strats to the world. Checkmate, Wemby.

  6. StormTheTrooper

    Anyone that doesn’t love late career Pop is just a person without a soul.

  7. andres7832

    Held Luka to 51, lost the game while remaining ultra competitive and the Mavs needed every single one of Lukas point to squeek out a win.

    Fantastic turn of events, Luka puts a show in SA, competitive game, added to the loss column, everyone played well and no injuries. Cant ask for anything better given the circumstances.

    Heres for a growing 2023 for both teams!

  8. Silentroar23

    It seems genuinely fun to play against Luka lol

  9. WhenItsHalfPastFive

    lmao bunch of #50s behind him too

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