@Minnesota Timberwolves

[Moore] Question from @brittrobson to Naz Reid: Do you think it’s legitimately a mystery why this team is underachieving? Naz’s response… [“Not Really… We know why. And ya know, I’m gonna kinda keep that in-house. But we know why”]

Full Naz quote:

> Not really. We know. We know. We know why. And ya know, I’m gonna kinda keep that in-house. But we know why. That’s why I said before, I feel like we can change this. We know we can change it. So we just got to buy into the things we know.

by srry_didnt_hear_you


  1. beermangetspaid

    Haha I wonder who he’s talking about!!!

  2. Zestyclose-Rope-3448

    Rudy Goober the 7’2 stiff. It’s not a mystery.

  3. srry_didnt_hear_you

    Lol oh boy 👀

    Seems like he’s talking about a specific player or coach (or GM?), but his

    > so we just gotta buy in

    Sounds like it’s about a player not listening to coaching…

    Who really knows what’s going on, but honestly – if Naz is still reiterating his “we still know we can turn this around” take, then I’m gonna take this as a positive sign. Either the thing they know will change soon or it’ll come to light what it is.

    Maybe the players-only meeting will yield positive results? Coping ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


    > [Naz Reid on the postgame chat: “I feel like every team does it at some point. Moving forward to feel like we could headed in the right direction. I feel like we had the right conversation.”](

  4. americand0lphinn

    Obvious answer is Rudy but maybe it’s Finch?

    Maybe it’s D’Lo possibly being traded? Connelly?

  5. SnarfSniffsStardust

    Sounds like he knows dumb turnovers and bad rebounding is the issue and is alluding to absolutely nobody giving a shit about fixing either. They all know they just gotta clean that shit up but seems like no one consistently sticks to it. Ant gets 10 rebounds after everyone’s been on his case about it and we allow the bucks to have a historic rebounding game against us. Not a single one of these players is locked into basic fundamental changes on a game to game basis.

  6. scofieldslays

    This is like a Rorschach test to see if you actually know basketball whether you think he’s talking Rudy or DLo

  7. EmbiidBurner

    It’s hard to win Games when your best player is out for the whole month

  8. CheddarLobos

    I have a tough time imagining it’s about dlo individually. Seems like it’s a leadership issue. If you don’t have players who will step up, you need a coach who will do it. Finch was between a rock and a hard place when he took over this team, but he needs to forget about hurting feelings now because hes clearly on the hot seat.

  9. Bornfr0mpain1993

    Everything is Rudy fault now I guesss

  10. Odogonmc

    Sounds like team chemistry is at an all-time high

  11. This is a nice way of saying the rudy trade fucked over our roster and doesnt play to its strengths while finch has 0 clue how to coach. On top of that we demoted a solid gm who knew what to do and not do in Gupta and overpay and over do in his role when hes really just a glorified scout in connely

  12. theapostle_1

    I think this team is divided in how they want to approach the game.

    At this point though GM and head coach should use their authority to clear the mess. If you don’t like it you are getting traded!

    They need to understand that we don’t care if they score 40 points but we care about wins. We had an amazing run last year but we were also lucky in some occasions.

    We got a player to fix our issues and our players thought they can get away doing their own stuff again. He is not a fix all solution but just a good player.

    Yes we did pay alot but as move we also tried to put pressure in other teams making all trades an overpayment. Strategy wise it was a gamble which so far failed.

    I believe 3-4 strong moves (in all departments) can turn it around.

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