@Denver Nuggets

UNDISPUTED | Shannon: 'Jokic is Real MVP' unstoppbale w/Trilpe-Double 30 Pts, Nuggets beat Celtics

UNDISPUTED | Shannon: ‘Jokic is Real MVP’ unstoppbale w/Trilpe-Double 30 Pts, Nuggets beat Celtics


  1. Skip do not really believe anything he says right? Why are we still debating Joker vs embid in 2023

  2. Skip will always be against non-american players and that's a fact. He will always find something to say negative when he compares americans vs. non-americans.
    If you put on the line jokic and AD he wil say AD!!! Ridiculous.
    Skip is just a hater

  3. Skip doesn't deserve to talk about the sports. Shannon was sportsman, he was the winner and he understand! Skip speaks about Embiid? Embiid isn't in the ball park… I would understand if he talks about Luka but Embiid? No way.
    Jokic is averaging almost TD and his % are crazy, he's most efficient player in the league.

  4. When Shannon gon bring up the nets? When they start losing again? Fucking amateur hour Bron nut chugger

  5. Guys the show is rigged it’s all staged skip has to be different then Shannon it’s a gimic because it’s obvious he knows lebron and Luka are great but the gimic is to shock the audience ..

  6. Everyone in the sports report talks how special Joker is only in America they are talking difrent. They want clowns not sportsman!!

  7. everybody and they mama want jokic to be perfect…none of these other dudes are perfect. F U SKIP!!

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