@National Basketball Association

[Highlight] LeBron throws down a reverse alley-oop jam as he gets to 30 points

[Highlight] LeBron throws down a reverse alley-oop jam as he gets to 30 points

by JilJungJukk


  1. BigBallerBryant

    UP UP and AWAY!! SUPER WASHED Ain’t He??!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤷🏾‍♂️. Stay low and keep firing! The air up there is a tad bit different. LIVE.LAUGH.LOVE #striveforgreatness🚀 #thekidfromakron👑 #jamesgang👑 #bronknows

  2. I am 100% dead serious when i say I think there is at least a 50% chance that lebron is a genetically modified human being and in turn, has no father.

    I am dead serious. I believe lebron was grown in a test tube and then artificially implanted into gloria james and carried to term. no human being should possess his combination of size, strength and athleticism. AND to book it all out, he’s very intelligent too. (besides the decision) remember how much poise he had just coming into the league at 18 years old? it’s un-natural. how often have TV analysts described him as a “freak of nature” …..maybe it’s truer than we know.

    I am serious. we all know (and I swear I am not saying this to be insulting or mean) that lebron’s mom was a crack whore (is drug addicted prostitute better?) it’s just a fact, it happened. I am NOT saying this to be mean, in fact I am a heroin addict and know a few woman who have sold themselves for dope, it happens. they are not bad people.

    and the government has a history of using prostitutes and impoverished people in “experiments.” read about MK-ULTRA. it happened. the CIA used to have prostitutes slip LSD to johns and then the agents would watch what happened thru 2-way mirrors. the government helped start and continue the crack epidemic of the 80s.

    I believe that lebron was a precursor experiment to create super soldiers. something where they were just like “well let’s test it out on some poor people that no one will notice and see if we can get any results before we sink more billions into this.” it’s not all that crazy. you don’t think the government has interest in creating genetically modified super human soldiers? we know for a FACT it does. it’s been documented. you don’t think russia or china has interest in such a thing? you know they do. and anything russia or china is or would be doing we are doing. to do it first and do it better.

    he’s some kind of experiment that they just monitored from a distance and let keep growing. and i mean this was probably initially started with just a few people who believed it could be done and that’s why it started small and covert using regular civilians. until they could show the results to the higher ups and say “look at this, you don’t wanna fund this on a larger scale?”

    and where else would such a person end up besides in a professional sports league?

    I think there is probably some secret base(s) out there that are now filled with people like lebron, younger than him probably. if they couldn’t see how well the experiment worked until he was about 16-18 years old (he was pretty much a full grown man at 16 and could have came off the bench for any NBA team if not started) than maybe there are a bunch of 9-15 year old super humans like lebron (not copies of him but given the same genetic boost that he was) eating chow in some secret barracks right now…..

    until someone comes forth and the DNA test shows him to be his father (and a bunch have come forward and been shown not to be) than I will believe this is AT LEAST possible..

    edit: something I’d like to add in case someone says “well if this is true why wouldn’t lebron’s mom come forward and admit it, just say I participated in a government experiment and lebron was the result.” well she doesn’t know. it’s simple, she goes to a hotel with a john, he slips something in a drink and she gets knocked out-cold. they take her and do whatever they did. give her some amnesiacs or anesthesia (probably benzos too) so when she wakes up she’s in a haze and doesn’t remember anything. not even the john. she finds out she’s pregnant later and just assumes she got knocked up by any random john. has lebron. shit even if she participated willingly, got paid, and knows everything, no one would believe her crazy ass.

  3. jacko1998

    As Dennis came down the floor I thought we were going to fumble it… NOT TODAY

  4. VolvoBringTinkerBack

    Russ, Jeanie, and Rob are all terrorists istg. Bring this man to the playoffs.

  5. NotManyBuses

    UP UP and AWAY!! SUPER WASHED Ain’t He??!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤷🏾‍♂️. Stay low and keep firing! The air up there is a tad bit different. LIVE.LAUGH.LOVE #striveforgreatness🚀 #thekidfromakron👑 #jamesgang👑 #bronknows

  6. shanmustafa

    yeah let’s not try to maximize the team as much as you can around this guy

  7. OkBarber6

    I want everyone to realize how crazy this is. Man is 38 and can sleep walk and get 30…this is unprecedented

  8. Balls_of_Adamanthium

    So he wasn’t kidding when he said he’ll try going for 40 every night.

  9. This man can probably play for another 10 years

  10. lightskinbeaner

    He’s actually aging in reverse now

  11. Resident_Frame

    Yeah the goat convo has reallll merit

  12. donotfukwitme

    Dude has literally been as good as anyone in the league over the last 15 or so games.

  13. lalo1398

    Where’s that tweet about the fuckery not lasting for long

  14. listinglight778

    I appreciate Charlotte’s announcers not being massive homers. Hate when the opposing team does something amazing and the home broadcast is either silent or calls the play in a monotone voice.

  15. halfdecenttakes

    Fucking head by the rim at 38.

    Super human

  16. augustcero

    the best alley oops come from the worst lobs

  17. Hairline going on 48 while hooping ability still going at 28. This man is on like his 6th prime with no signs of slowing

  18. ayemansayman__

    His core strength, agility, and leaping ability at that age is impossibly amazing

  19. BigBoyFroggy

    LeBron has been on an insane run these last 15 games. Totally different than how he started

  20. MostlyMellow123

    This is the greatest athlete we’ve ever seen at this age. Maybe wilt but who knows lol

  21. bronco_y_espasmo

    He looks like he is NBA JAMing things when he does stuff like that.

  22. Fucking hell man. I understand why people would pick Mike but this dude is my goat any day of the week. Incredible.

  23. romeopwnsu

    Anyone have the clip with Lakers commentary? Bill Macdonald went ham!

  24. Shabasileus

    Other players have played at 38, but none of them come close to LeBron at 38. Not even close.

  25. i don’t get impressed much these days but that was dope

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