@Toronto Raptors

Fred VanVleet Is Not Doing Enough For The Toronto Raptors | Raptors Vs Pacers Post Game Show

The Raptors lose this one against the Pacers, 122-114. Another game that was in our hands but we coulnt come up with many late buckets to stay with them. At 16-21, the raptors need a bounce back. They need to find a better system that works better for their entire team not just one or two players each game. Going forward the Raptors are going to need to dig deep and pull themselves out of the whole they have created. Pascal Siakam and Socttie Barnes have great games tonight but the bench was the missing player.

What do the Raptors need to change to become more consistent and win more games? Should Fred VanVleet be dropped to the bench?

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  1. Nurse doesn't have that level in coaching in other opponent. Why on earthe you give a 34 yr. old Young to play more minutes then the younger player. Fred is not what he was time to Ujiri and webster to admit that their system is not working. they got long players 67-6'9 t6hats cool. This is the problem no steady shooter, lack depth, slow in defense especially opponent fast guard. no rim protector….. coaching sucks doesn't how to blend players nurse doesn't utilize much of his player and ID their strenght and weakness and blend the right players playing together. GToo much one on one plays very predictable. ake a move now andf admit this season is over and admit the system ius not working….patience is the raptors exec. but the fan are feed up .

  2. I thought Fred played off ball for most of this game. There wasn't much over dribbling. It was mostly Barnes and Pascal running the floor. Fred just needs to make those catch and shoot threes.

  3. Well….Fred came back after sore back….most players would have played less minutes after being out with this type of injury/soreness, but that didn't happen. WHY???….particularly when you are not playing well. This would have been a great night to put in Dowtin, to see if he could help…I just don't get NN.

  4. Time to bring a sports Psychologist to talk to team and individual players. There is no doubt something is very wrong. The bench in particular, but I think the entire team has issues.

  5. GTJ is a starter. Moving him to the bench is a mistake for several reasons. As for Fred, he should not be playing hurt. You can tell he was hurt in the pre game warm ups. The coaching staff knew he was hurt and still played him 36 minutes. If Fred can't put in 100% effort, he's a problem on both sides of the court. Nick needs to grow a pair when it comes to Fred! Nick is insane, he continues to make the same mistake expecting a different result.

  6. Fred’s gotta go man. I don’t know what Masai and Bobby are waiting for. Are they waiting until all of his value is totally gone? It’s time for a rebuild man. Cash in on assets before it’s too late man. I’m good with keeping Gary, Scottie, Og and rebuild. Precious , koloko, dalano. But trade fred. For the love of god. Cash in on pascal. We need to reset man. It’s time. Wake the f up Bobby / Masai

  7. We are one loss away from being in 26th and only ahead of Orlando, Houston, San Antonio, Detroit and Charlotte. Anyone who thinks we have what it takes to win is clueless. This team is broken. Trades won’t save this team. It’s time to hit the reset button. There’s nothing wrong with saying that. We just won a chip 3-4 years ago. It’s normal to hit the reset button not to far after hitting the top of the mountain.

  8. FVV looked like he is still injured. Nurse needs to start looking at other players off the bench – Dowton, for sure; given that Flynn is too inconsistent. Hopefully, Porter returns soon & Scottie becomes more offensive. Pascal needs to maintain his scoring throughout the game.

  9. This Fred situation is mentally exhausting… I can’t believe this man is making 20M to shyt up the place.

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