@Washington Wizards

Thanks Kuz, for being an Selfish Asss!

Thanks Kuz, for being an Selfish Asss!

by TheMartsy


  1. TopOfTheKey

    Kuz the dude in everyone’s League of Legends match that calls for a FF vote because he died in a solo lane 1v3.

  2. eternal_student78

    Way too many FGA’s compared to KP, Rui, and Kispert. But that’s also on WUJ for leaving Kuzma in the game.


    Yeah this is ridiculous. I watched him and was very very frustrated. He is usually so good at finding his open teammates, but tonight it was like he got tunnel vision or something. There was a play where Monte was practically jumping up and down and yelling but Kuz couldn’t find him. Totally unacceptable.

  4. Solid-Confidence-966

    He had a lot of quality shots that he missed. Sometimes the ball just doesn’t go in. He was a few makes away from having an efficient 30 points. 0/6 from 3 especially doesn’t help.

  5. Otherwise_Horror_183

    2 less points than KP with 15 more attempts…

  6. Hacktivist690

    Only caught the tail end of the game but he was 9/18 at one point then just bombs away after that was rough to watch. Heck of a leash Kuz has with WUJ

  7. laflarehare

    When Kuz gets hot he’s hot but when he’s not it’s really bad. The team is better when he attacks the rim and it works cause usually he can bully and finish, pass or get fouled. He nor others were getting any of those calls tonight and the Bucks were very good at protecting the rim. It was a close game until like 2 mins left

  8. Expensive_5963

    Kuz got more shots attempt than points lol, but fr WUJ letting kuz do whtaever he wants should take blame too

  9. Some clown on here was telling me kuzma and kp are as good as each other. lol.

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