@National Basketball Association

We really gotta talk about highlight quality in the sub. Game winning shots have no replays or crowd reaction. Highlights that barely show the actual action with no context. It’s no good.

Now let me preface this by saying I brought this up a couple of years ago and some mods got really mad and threatened to ban me. So I’m just saying, mods, this is not a criticism of y’all, and it’s different than my original suggestions (more limited in scope). It’s also been 2 years so cut me some slack.


Let’s look at two top highlights from the last week:

1. [Lauri shooting what seemed like a potential game-winner]( (was ruled too late) – last night ([thread](

2. [ Luka’s legendary shot]( to tie the game with the Knicks ([thread]( – 40k points, top of r/all).

The replays/alternative angle comment **does not work in practice**. It might be a nice idea in theory, but in reality, it doesn’t work. People don’t post there, or post very late to it, when it doesn’t matter anymore. The vast, vast majority of people just get to languish with shit replays.

Compare it with this:

* Kyrie’s [putback dunk]( ([thread](

While the first two were game-clinching shots, they got no context, no crowd reaction, no replay. Meanwhile Kyrie’s shot has joyous Yuta in it, replay, the whole deal.

The reason this happens is a race-to-the-bottom among uploaders. Since the first one – and always the first one – gets to keep their version, r/nba incentivizes uploaders to give us the shortest, most crappy version possible. Any extra 10 seconds left for recording means someone beats you to it.

A lot of the prolific uploaders (it’s a small group) said again and again they have no problem uploading quality highlights with replays – but it’s not worth it.

**My suggestion** is simple – any game-winning or game tying shot, or for that matter any highlight in the last 1 minute of the game, must be at least 30 seconds long.

I’m not even telling the mods to enforce a “must have replay” rule (which is the superior option imo). Just have a strong, technical limit on these posts, that can be completely automated to enforce – literally ZERO WORK for the mods except coding it in. You can have a new tag [Endgame Highlight] for those, and **any post with the [Endgame Highlight] tag must be 30 seconds or longer**, just like all highlights are already auto-forced to be 720p and higher.

I think this very minimal, hyper-specific, easy to implement, zero maintenance suggestion is pretty reasonable – so I petition the mods to consider it, to improve all of ours highlight quality.


edit: I can’t believe the first link was (by mistake), a link to a wholesome comic pic [from this page]( and NOT a highlight, and still I got someone who said “That highlight is perfectly fine!” lmaooo

by SnuggleMuffin42


  1. Bigger problem is the dearth of highlights. Mods need to reduce the video quality requirements so that more people are able to post. Having full schedule slates and only getting 4-5 highlights is a joke

  2. the-g-off

    This gets brought up all the time. Mods don’t care, bots run this place, like the rest of Reddit.

  3. JilJungJukk

    Yeah, mostly the quickest post(shorter) gets to stay while the longer ones or ones with replay get taken down. It de-incentivises users to post proper ones. Happened even recently during Mitchell’s 71 point game, a 4 second clip of him making a three stayed over one I posted around 15 seconds, it is what it is.

  4. rapelbaum

    Almost got banned because I made 2 highlights posts in less than 1 hour !

  5. hahaman821

    does anyone know the legitimate reason it’s so hard to post highlights? i’ve tried posting tweets from perfectly normal/respectable twitter accounts that show highlights and it never shows up. but if people want to post fifteen times in a day about giannis’s oreo fetish or what the hoteps are doing outside of barclays (shit that has absolutely nothing to do with the game of basketball itself) it’s fine.

    this sub is not a basketball subreddit. it’s a sub for people who want reality television style drama about tall millionaires.

  6. Ramelteon8mg

    Go to the comments for the real highlight

  7. JustaTurdOutThere

    I see absolutely nothing wrong with your two examples. Those posts are more of a news update with video than a basic highlight. If people want to see more of the play they can seek it out.

  8. Karma whoring is the problem. And dudes racing each other with bots to put up highlights first.

  9. WhenItsHalfPastFive

    More of an NBA problem. Highlights should be available quickly in the highest definition possible to be shared easily.

    They’re not. So on /r/nba most users resort to whoever posts it the fastest on twitter, and it gets posted as a streamable clip on here.

  10. night--cruisin

    I’ve tried to start posting replays lately. Many times its impossible to find even decent clips. At least my team only does Tiktok style uploads now and they are pretty bad.

  11. Itsyaboibiggyt

    That markannen one was whack lol immediately cuts away

  12. IdRatherBeLurking

    You’re suggesting changes but not offering your services to do the actual work of recording, editing, and posting the highlights. Be the change you want to see my dude

  13. RGVHound

    I might be in the minority opinion here, because I never care to see crowd reactions. Is that something members of this sub actually *want* to see in highlights?

  14. HotspurJr

    You’re 100% right, of course.

    It’s very frustrating. The mods really need to change their approach to highlight posts. It’s not the end of the world if we get a couple of people posting the same highlight if it means better highlights.

  15. TakeMyAnkleInstead

    We get more tweets about Kyrie than highlights in here it is what it is

  16. beatrailblazer

    There was a Mitchell 3pt highlight from his 71 point game that started while Mitchell was already in the air. Like literally .2 seconds before the ball was released. Don’t think it made the front page, but damn it was annoying

  17. There was a Jokic pass highlight, where, for the life of me I couldn’t get the play controls to go away before the pass actually happened because the clip started like half a second before the pass.

  18. thisguy012

    On top of that it’s just all text threads text threads.

    Where’s all the highlights wtf happened? Is this that NFL sub now lmao?

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