@Los Angeles Lakers

I think it’s appropriate at least for today… good job today Russ

I think it’s appropriate at least for today… good job today Russ

by JesusDaBeast


  1. MITWestbrook

    Let LeBron rest. Let Russ lead this team

  2. ZizouGOAT10

    44% shooting 7 turnovers… have some shame

  3. uh oh someones gonna call you delusional stan in a minute

  4. Freeeecurry

    Lots of turnovers and missed free throws in the clutch but him and Dennis took turns dicking down the heat. Fact we could beat a team without ad and Bron was huge

  5. BagelBites619

    0 TO in the 2nd half. Really cleaned those up. 2nd qtr was hard to watch lol

  6. Splittinghairs7

    Dude got out performed by two other guys on the team making the vet min.

  7. dill1234

    He is a 9-time All Star getting 47 mill a year. Stop this shit each time he plays slightly above average

  8. WinterCareful8525

    Why bother posting? All people do is hate and wish Injury on this man ‘round here. Best to lie low until he gets traded

  9. Competitive-Camp7298

    7 turnovers in the first half and 0 in the second. To his credit, he stepped up when it counted. Still almost had a triple double, as well.

  10. Matt32490

    The turnovers were atrocious in the first half, especially the 2nd quarter. He got that under control in the 2nd half. Decent game overall.

  11. makeshift11

    They’re still people, man. If they have a good game we should celebrate it, and if they have a bad game we should be able to criticize them without being emotional little bitches about it and asking for their heads on a stake. Unfortunately most sports fans are anything but gracious.

  12. ViperishTuba86

    Good shit Russ. Wasn’t a perfect performance but good enough to help get the W.

  13. Notorious--X

    Also worth noting that he was the only one who played decent defense on Butler. A few of stops, some forced turnovers, held him to a much quieter fourth quarter. Good job WB.

  14. Cul_what

    Look yes that 1st half was atrocious with 7 TOs but he really turned it around 2nd half so Ill give credit where credit is due

  15. Good thing he stopped taking those threes and deferred to Dennis late. Moved well without the ball too.

  16. incredibleamadeuscho

    Favorite Russ game as a laker because he empowered those around him to play better

  17. Apart-Bad-5446

    Good performance for a $10 million dollar player – not $47 million. That will always be a problem.

  18. nellywentdiamond

    Really appreciate the fact that he had zero turnovers in the second half

  19. JaxonStormBorn

    Cut them turnovers down and we will be good

  20. Bhill2k7

    I promise it felt like he was auditioning for the Heat but he played well tonight

  21. kyrieeleisen23

    i think its always appropriate, russ, nunn, and schroeder are the only players who can dribble penetrate.

  22. gleophas

    its always gonna be hit and miss with this dude tho..he’s capable of winning you games and also well capable of throwing games for you….

  23. Coldcocksandwich

    I keep forgetting him and Dennis played together with OKC. They’re comfortable playing off of each other

  24. deion_snaders

    Good job on both sides of the ball too. He not only defended well himself but he was also quarterbacking the defense – calling out rotations.

  25. Very happy with his performance, I talk shit when he plays bad so gotta show love when he plays well. Hopefully he keeps it up

  26. TorontoRaptors34

    What ion get is why people can’t just support him because he’s on the team like any other player regardless or criticize without acting like these players are satans spawn.

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