@Los Angeles Lakers

LeBron's Comments Put Lakers On Notice

LeBron James has made it clear that he wants to contend. Can the Lakers provide him with that opportunity? If not, what happens? Trevor Lane and Anthony Gharib break it down…

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  1. The real culprit here is Anthony Davis, the Lakers gave up the farm for him and he can't stay healthy. No matter where LeBron goes if his Robin can't stay healthy he's in trouble! He wanted AD now he's got him,. He wanted Westbrook now he's got him too so he needs to stop crying just like all of his fans. Place the real blame where it's at.. if AD could stay healthy and Westbrook was playing like LeBron thought he would be..the Lakers would be fine

  2. Are you guys not getting that Pelinka just is trash at his job? there are plenty of teams and options out there! i'm sick of those excuses for this trash front office!

  3. Lebron and Davis have to make a trade demand with a veeery small list of teams! return the favor for Pelinka! this front office is not getting that future stars are not going to consider them the way they prefer laughable picks in 3032!!

  4. With comments like that how much do you think his teammates are going to put out for him.. he's been throwing them under the bus just like he threw Westbrook under the bus all summer. This man is not a good teammate he is not someone you want to be on the Titanic with, because he's always going to try to save himself! When he win it's I did this that makes me the goat! Which is what he said when Cleveland came back to beat Golden State but notice he didn't mention anything about Kyrie who averaged 30 that series.. When he loses it's look who I'm playing with. Out of Jordan, Wilt and Kareem the other three Mount Rushmore goats.. he's the only Cry Baby of the bunch of this magnitude.

  5. Lebron is going to ask for a trade July 2023 after another failed season by the lakers

  6. If you aren’t talking about trading AD – you are wasting your breath – Lakers cannot survive with Anthony Davis – be nice of he was who he was before he became a $109M porcelain doll – but Those ARE THE FACTS MAN!!! – add 2 10M bigs instead of him that can – bang inside – and you are on the right track.. TRADE AD!!!!

  7. This is not the same Lakers franchise that I grew up with which spans from the Showtime era, through the Kobe era and up into the present era. It's not the same N.B.A for that matter either. The Lakers under Jerry Buss, a man who had a true passion for the sport and his Los Angeles Lakers organization did whatever it took to get the best of the best into the Great Western Forum and the Staples Center. From management to announced and from athletes to janitors Jerry with passion did what it took to get the best… And keep them there!
    I don't blame LeBron James for how he feels because he's too good to be playing for a team that can't even make the play in. As far as superstars are concerned the Lakers really only have Bron. Everyone else is just roll pieces really. A.D can't stay healthy and when he does play at a level that he's capable of he immediately gets injured and goes out. Russ is awesome but his role needs to be as the floor general and with Bron on the floor their abilities are just going to continue to cancel one another's out! The past several decades management has done what they had too to get the number one players there and kept them there by surrounding them with the pieces needed to win championships. With that in mind if we want to see change in the Lakers overall trajectory then they need to cut everyone loose except for Bron, A. R and Westbrook maybe. Basically they need a complete rebuild and they need guys like Victor Wembinyama and to tier, young superstars like him.
    Let's not miss ourselves anymore, this team needs a complete rebuild and a lot of luck to land young superstars. Until then they are going to continue to be at the bottom of the Western Conference and/or keep exiting in the play in and/or the 1st or 2nd round of the play offs if extremely lucky.

  8. As a long time Laker fan, I would like to see Lebron packs his bags and leave.
    He has never had the class, style, and commitment of a true Los Angeles Laker. Let him take his weird looking beard and shoddy hair plugs on the bus to another team. Let him go.

  9. It's been painful recently to watch Buddy Hield draining 3's and Myles Turner clokin shots and hitting 3's.😭

  10. It is the fact that the league is dominated by great players right now the teams are powerful and he thinks that he's going to dominate this kids that are so hungry and want to be so good every time they face him LeBron is the target because they want to prove everybody that he is not as good as Jordan so I think that LeBron will never win again because of the fact that there is so many great players in the league right now

  11. It’s too late… if the lakers make a trade it’s gonna be a bad one. Teams are gonna take advantage of how bad this team is and aren’t going to bail the lakers out. Jeannie needs to whip out this front office with people that actually have common sense. The lakers front office has to be hands down the most useless and directionless front office in the league. Even during kobes last few season they didn’t know wtf they were doing. I’m done hoping and making excuses for how bad they are… the lakers don’t deserve this.

  12. Ad is the problem here. He is never healthy and without him the team cant do shit. Blow it up! Ad is a bust. Most fragile player in nba history

  13. He bring them a championship ! Period! With such mentality, they always be at the bottom of the league! They are arrogant and useless and think that they can win with their brand and not their work! Magic escaped such toxic environment!

  14. I mean if bron wants better teammates lower your contract. Take less money trust me bron you won't miss 5 mill a year

  15. LBJ ruined the Lakers especially when he played GM. Lakers should trade him if his contract allows it.

  16. When LeBron came to the Lakers he ran this team into the ground now they have no chances in rebuilding it's gonna take many years for this team to get back on its feet. They got rid of all there young talent draft picks now they are screwed

  17. It is the end and it's his own fault for coming to LA genie should be called out for the horrible job she has done as a owner.

  18. I will just say it, cause I realize societies are what they are at that time, but y'all are calling yourself informing Laker fans on Laker BBall Biz, when y'all continue to leave.out the politics that the Lakers are suffering with, and more over the politic the Lakers are suffering being run by a feminine female winning the Chip in 2020, with all of these bitch ass misogynist tech boys within these owners groups, and having there very wealthy hands working behind the scenes.

    You have to have the courage to take a look at the manipulation of these bitch ass tech boys, how they effected the direction of espn, then ESPN's crumb snatcher fox sports, there just running narratives now, they say it's analysis, but they have both degenerated down to reality tv shows now.

    Come On Man, you can't inform when you rarely ever come with all of what effects the game and the perspective of the game.
    MAN UP.. as Shaq says.

  19. The elephant in the room is that they were stupid enough to get AD which was a huge mistake, he was injured when they got him, that's his signature. Lebon should leave this team ASAP if he wants to contend for a champioship.

  20. Rob needs to gooooo nooooow!! He has done nothing for Laker Nation..nothing..the teams he put together are horrible..we could've had a young talented team with AD but he was so busy trying to one up Magic that he sold out..he fumbled the ball when he let big ass head lavar and Earvin convince the organization to pick Lonzo over freaking Tatum..then after last season seeing the shooting problems you put together a worse shooting team..let's not forget we got Westbrook when we could've had DeRozan even tho it was very clear his best days were slowly fading..GET HIM OUTTA HERE!!

  21. he is so rt this team is not going anywhere like this need to change all starting with the owner and ROB

  22. Thomas B Troy Schroder Reaves are all good pieces . Lakers need to move Westbrook for a 3D tall wing

  23. Imagine that he likes to WIN and could be a GREAT PIECE ON A WINNING TEAM!!! WITH THE RIGHT PIECES. Sounds like he'd rather be on the Warriors, or another CONTENDER. 😆

  24. I welcome this actually. All Laker fans should. Is it about LeBron, or is it about the long term health of the team? LeBron should understand that AD couldbn't be counted on to stay healthy. And he should also understand that the Lakers gave up their entire young core for him to get the parts he wanted. Now he wants them to cash out the few lottery picks that the franchise might have to build in the future past LeBron?

  25. look at lebrons 3 pt shooting hes like 147 th in the league he takes way to many because he misses most he was never a good 3 shooter but the league has changed seems like all coaches think you have to shoot 3 all the time drive the dam hoop.2 pts is better then no points.he complains but this team can not shoot the 3 ball for the most part.And AD kills this team because hes hurt more then he plays when he plays they are good when hes out they stink.

  26. I hope the Lakers organization go back to recruiting loyal lifelong superstars, like Worthy, Kobe, and Magic type players.
    Sick and tired of these team jumping spoiled brats like Bron, who has too much say in the organization's decisions.
    Then when they're tired of one team. Bye bye! That's not what the Lakers did, to get to 16 championships.

  27. Lebron is going to break the scoring record so he can tell everyone how great he is, while his team sits in last place, lol! Someone should send Golden boy a message and let him know Kareem spent 3 years in college, which makes what LeBron accomplished not such a big deal.

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