
Stop Hatin KD For His Move To Golden State 🗣😤 #nba #boxing

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  1. I fw stak but GP & Karl Malone was at the tail end of there careers horrible comparison KD was the 2nd best player in the world he then goes to the team that beat him not only did he have a 3-1 against that team but that team he already won without him then the next season won 73 games GS was so good despite them blowing a 3-1 lead against Bron I can guarantee you that the following season they were gonna still be the favorites win they were just that good and I’m a bron fan I doubt that in the 2017 season anybody was gonna beat them without KD 🤷🏾‍♂️

  2. It’s crazy they bash kd but like the point ain’t to be fair everyone was crying it’s not fair like wth they supposed to just have a bare minimum roster so other teams can have a chance like nah the front office is supposed to build ur team the best roster to win a chip so it is what it is

  3. Kobe , Jordan and Tim Duncan are real ones cause team bouncing is a cheat code that LeBron made cool

  4. The bay area is the place to be and live and you most definitely have to go to a golden state warriors game if you are out here on vacation

  5. Joining a team you blew a 3-1 lead to won’t ever be looked at as respectable for a player of KD’s caliber. That’s why he left to go to Brooklyn. Draymond, his own teammate, told him he was soft, and their team didn’t need him. KD himself said he never felt like he belonged there anyway.

  6. The thing with GP & Malone going to the Lakers in 04. YES they wanted to win, yes they did what KD did, go to the other team that's already winning. BUT that was Malone's Last year, playing for 20 years. GP didn't get a hold of the Triangle offense. Not only that during the season, people got hurt.
    KD on the other hand left the team that drafted him with Westbrook. Both of them had a chance to beat the warriors. Then after both OKC lost & warriors lost in 2016, KD joining the team that HAS THE MOST WINS IN A REGULAR SEASON. . . Laker Fans are just asking themselves "& Kobe couldn't play with CP3?!?!"

    KD was so hated that when he got injured in the 2019 finals. I'm sure EVERYONE was like "That's what YOU get!" While clapping their hands 👏 👏

  7. I could have sworn that Stack had a different take when it actually happened. 🤔

    At the end of the day KD to make sure that he had at least ONE ship regardless of the BS that he only wants to ball. You could have stayed in OKC your entire career if it was ONLY about playing ball

  8. Mfs never played a high school game telling a professional what people in his field should do 🤣… (doc) this is how I’m gonna get that tumor out of your head (trash man) nah doc I have a better ideal 😆.

  9. This is the same shit that happens on the playground, in AAU, and some colleges

    But somehow when you make it to the league it's naw I want to beat the best players… but wait I can't do it by myself I need a minimum of 2 all-stars or all NBA players with me

    Leave KD alone he was a free agent who got the money he wanted, went to a fantastic organization, and got some chips out of it

    If you gone blame anyone blame Harrison Barnes for being expendable

  10. All these years, people still mad about a man taking a better job. He living his dream, y'all crying about it

  11. How is it a snake move for a free agent to sign where they want to play? Ppl make it sound like he was a rec league. He is a professional basketball player and was a free agent. I could see if he didn’t finish his contract and forced his way out the way a few other players have done. He completed his contract and moved on. Stop the hate! GSW wasn’t beating the Cavs without him. And no other team he went to were gonna beat either the Cavs or GSW.

  12. Stack keep it real and not real silly. GP & Malone was on the back end of their carriers not in their prime. LeBron & KD was on some hoe ish

  13. Jaxx is in the wrong here… how you win matters too, else it will not be valued. If you got no principles, that’s fine… but you can’t tell people how to value something. Karl and GP went to the Lakers way past their prime by the way… that’s a total different scenario

  14. Bruh KD was there for 3 season out of the 16 he’s been in the league.. big deal😂😂

  15. Did people forget that KD went to the Warriors and was the #1 option because he is that GOOD?!! He couldn't carry a team single handedly but he is the 1st option and best player on ANY team

  16. Idk if people criticize KD for going to GS. I just don't wanna hear any bronsexual criticize KD. Lbj basically did the same thing


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