@New Orleans Pelicans

CJ McCollum vs Gatorade. Whats the beef?

Anyone have any idea if CJ has some kind of conflict of interest with Gatorade?

I first noticed it after CJ’s [most recent post-game interview](

In this video it starts with CJ about to sit down, holding a bottle of gatorade but he quickly drops it on the floor behind him. Presumably it is the same bottle that is on the table from the [interview right before him with Jonas.](

This then made me wonder if CJ just always kept the gatorade out of his postgame interviews. I noticed that the past several inerviews did not have a gatorade on the table even though the other Pels interviewed did have the gatorade on the table. A notable interview was on December 20th in which he starts the interview with the gatorade on the table [but then notices it and removes it](

Then you have the interviews on December 9th which as always starts with [Willie Green]( addressing the media with a bottle of Gatorade on the table and then the next interview with [CJ clearly lacks the bottle]( and then the subsequent interviews with [Zion who normally even faces the Gatorade bottle towards the camera]( and [Jose all lack the bottle of Gatorade](

Going back to his [November 15th interview]( the Gatorade bottle is prominently visible and most of his prior interviews all had the normal Gatorade bottle on the table.

Two notable exception to this idea I have of after December 9th CJ removing Gatorade and prior to November 15th keeping the Gatorade on the table are [this interview from October 23rd]( in which the bottle is removed even though [Larry]( had it on the table just prior to CJ’s interview. And then [this interview from December 11th]( where the bottle remains on the table. (This is most likely because he is distracted because he has his son with him)

Not sure what to do with this information but here it is for you all to look at and make your own judgements or you can tell me what is the beef between CJ and Gatorade.

by ___DEADPOOL______


  1. I am also not sure to do with this information but I am glad you gave it to me. I think.

  2. waydownthegulfcoast

    More Pels mysteries to solve please.

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