@Brooklyn Nets

First Things First | “Should the Nets give Kyrie Irving a max contract?” – Chris Broussard decides

First Things First | “Should the Nets give Kyrie Irving a max contract?” – Chris Broussard decides


  1. "kyries efficiency is gpoing to go down because hes never played this well before" hes almost 50/40/90 every year lol . as brussard said, his on the court is max contract for sure

  2. His max contract should be payed by media members salaries and Nets ownership members salaries.

  3. If Kyrie continues to focus on his craft on the court without getting himself involved in controversies then yes, he deserves a max.

  4. It’s really sad to see a Black man not want another black man get his bag for his work smh…

  5. I hate how people act like he hasn’t been good since Cleveland. He averaged 27 on 50/40/90 splits 2 seasons ago!

  6. I never seen other people talk about other people money as much as these reporters talk about kyrie

  7. Both of these guys mad at kyrie bcuz not getting the shot n posting a movie ….come on man

  8. Nick literally hates kyrie and discredits everything he did because he played with one of the greatest ever .

  9. These guys up here talking like any team wouldn’t go above and beyond to get Kyrie. True ballers and hoop fans know Kyrie is a dog and they would love him on their team.

  10. Nicks obsession with trying to discredit Kyrie is getting annoying. He called for him to be cut a few weeks ago. Lmao. This is why no one takes the media seriously and players don’t respect them. Their agendas run their takes. It’s not objective.

  11. you guys should be ashamed of yourselves. especially nick wright, this is just sad… trying to boost ratings by lieing about another person… the media acts like it cares about mental health and yet they do shit like this on tv…. this is evil and wrong.

  12. They dont cover the team until they lose they streak then the bring up sas old stupid take

  13. Im about to stop watching this show honestly the random YouTube basketball podcast do. A much better job then these dying big name media shows

  14. Why is all these media heads speaking on his off the court life? Speak on his craft which he been nothing less than dominant since he been back from suspension. Nick a damn hater.

  15. nick is worried about the efficiency from the guy who was 50/40/90 last season looool come on dude this aint westbrick we're talking about here

  16. Back to hating on this man, leave him alone dude is literally playing and keeping to himself…..for thr record Amazon is still making money off that movie but the media doesn't seem to care!

  17. I hate nick with a passion and these when ad healthy Mfs he’s never ducking healthy so cut that bitch ass bs out! They sacrificed Kobe and GiGi yet the still aren’t winning 😢😢😢

  18. Haven't won anything yet, or have proven anything yet in his several years as a Net to warrant a Max. You can't be an absentee student all school year long and try to make up for it in the last grading period and be entitled to expect top honors. Nets should squeeze every last ounce of basketball Kyrie has as a Net and let some other team have him, even if he wins a chip. The trend is always gonna go down, Cavs championship didn't make him more committed to the team did it? It's gonna eat a huge chunk of your Investment and will limit the company's buying power to build a complete team. Max is for players who are really committed to the team and are reliable as professionals. At the end of the day, no one is really indispensable.

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