
This is needed BADLY in HS basketball 🚨 🏀 #shorts

#shotclock #wenext #basketball #basketballedits #maxpreps #shorts


  1. All states should! It helps with the flow of the game and helps keep it interesting

  2. Don’t need a shot clock. Never seen a group huddled like that or simply standing around. Foul..put ‘em on the line.
    That being said we used to hold the ball if there was 30 seconds left but maybe it’s gotten weird like everything else. 3 minutes left and pg sayin 1… 1 shot

  3. This happened to me when my highschool was playing the #5 team in the state and we were ranked #95 and we was only down by 5 and they held the ball for 3 out of 4 quarters

  4. Yes cause I witnessed this before and it don't translate to winning basketball the coach won't go nowhere who is teaching this technique and the player he's teaching it too won't be scouted soo yes the shot clock should implemented in the future

  5. 💜💜She's Really cute & Adorable.And I love way Freen look at Becky.She's really ME.SV/BANANA both Stay the way you are.I love it so much.
    I love Becky's Smile (灬♥ω♥灬)(♥ω♥*)When She's always with Freen.

  6. Well you still have to get it past half court in 10 seconds! Where I’m from the other team will strip you naked and hide your clothes if you sit on the ball! They are brutal!

  7. As A referee we do FIBA rules most courts do not have a shot clock so we have to count and then when it hits 10 we must yell it. For bigger more important games there has to be a shout clock but for games not as big it’s okay to count its sometimes forgetful but I just sometimes yell 10 if they taking to long.

  8. my school has one and in one gym it’s just taped to the wall. any time keepers just learn how to work it pretty quickly and it’s not that hard. must be different in the US i guess

  9. Some sports in high school use the professional league rules for whatever sport it is.. it should be the same for all.

  10. Iowa just implemented it this year it doesn’t make much of a difference until the 4th

  11. this happened to us one game they would hold the ball for almost a min each time they got it and just waited until there was an opening

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