@Los Angeles Lakers

Who you picking?

Who you picking?

by from2055


  1. daftmunt

    The blue pill, I wake up and return to reality

  2. Only the first 3 are mutually exclusive, we could pair Reddish with any of them cuz he’d only cost SRPs

    Doubt we can get Zach at all, 2 firsts would be outbid

    Though we could get everyone here besides Zach at the same time. First for Turner, first for Bojan, seconds for Reddish.

  3. LeSchmuk3

    Keep making these bro, you’re carrying the sub

  4. TEDPED24

    I do not understand why this sub loves Cam Reddish, legit as hard to figure out as Kenrich Williams last year. Where everyone was acting like he was some underrated role player. lmfao. NO!

  5. leonardbronocaprio

    Any of them🤣 even cam people hate but he’d be nice for us ik it

  6. laflame150

    Give me zach + whatever nice role chicago decides to throw in and a Nunn+2nd for Cam trade Then signing Dieng would be my dream scenario. But knowing Rob we’ll end up with Eric Gordon

  7. This Again? OP are you ok? This becoming a daily occurrence?

  8. EvilGeniusGL

    The realistic one so none of them.

    Lyin Rob and Bimbo Mohr are sitting pretty on their hands.

  9. CalmMaunga

    Depend who’s available in our current line up.

  10. nice_kitchen

    Probably priced out of Lavine.

    Turner is probably getting extended.

    Reddish who cares

    Bojan by default and also because he’d be awesome.

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