@Atlanta Hawks

Post Game Thread: The Los Angeles Lakers defeat The Atlanta Hawks 130-114

#Atlanta Hawks at Los Angeles Lakers Arena- Los Angeles, CA




|Time Clock|

|ATL |28|21|33|32|114|
|LAL |37|33|28|32|130|

###Player Stats

**Atlanta Hawks**

|D. Hunter|37:19|16|5-13|2-5|4-6|1|7|8|0|0|0|1|4|-12
|J. Collins|37:24|16|7-18|0-5|2-3|1|7|8|2|0|3|0|3|-3
|O. Okongwu|28:20|10|5-6|0-0|0-0|3|4|7|1|3|1|1|0|-17
|D. Murray|35:02|16|7-18|2-4|0-1|1|0|1|6|1|0|1|0|-11
|T. Young|34:13|32|12-24|2-8|6-7|1|4|5|9|3|0|6|2|2
|B. Bogdanovic|29:02|10|3-7|0-3|4-4|0|3|3|2|1|1|2|3|-24
|A. Griffin|14:46|5|2-3|1-2|0-0|0|2|2|0|0|0|1|1|-15
|J. Johnson|5:24|3|1-2|1-2|0-0|0|3|3|1|0|0|0|1|1
|A. Holiday|14:12|6|2-5|1-2|1-1|0|1|1|3|0|0|0|1|-1
|F. Kaminsky|2:09|0|0-0|0-0|0-0|0|1|1|0|0|0|0|0|0
|V. Krejci|2:09|0|0-0|0-0|0-0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0

**Los Angeles Lakers**

|J. Toscano-Anderson|21:19|4|2-3|0-1|0-0|1|3|4|1|2|1|1|2|3
|L. James|32:47|25|10-19|1-5|4-6|0|7|7|10|0|0|5|0|12
|T. Bryant|27:56|19|8-12|1-2|2-2|4|9|13|0|1|1|1|1|2
|P. Beverley|24:07|5|2-5|1-3|0-0|0|4|4|4|0|1|0|4|5
|D. Schroder|34:47|21|7-14|5-8|2-3|0|2|2|1|0|0|3|3|10
|R. Westbrook|30:39|18|7-14|2-4|2-2|0|11|11|9|2|1|3|3|15
|K. Nunn|26:53|23|9-16|3-7|2-2|0|3|3|2|1|0|0|1|9
|W. Gabriel|19:29|4|2-2|0-0|0-1|2|3|5|2|0|0|2|1|16
|S. Brown|3:24|0|0-1|0-1|0-0|0|1|1|1|0|0|0|1|0
|M. Christie|16:05|8|3-5|2-2|0-0|0|1|1|3|0|1|1|2|6
|S. Pippen Jr.|1:17|0|0-1|0-1|0-0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|1
|C. Swider|1:17|3|1-1|1-1|0-0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|1
###Team Stats



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  1. HamlnHand


  2. ahend1999

    Iā€™m so frustrated. I donā€™t have much to say because Iā€™m just frustrated and sad, and mad. I hope theyā€™re embarrassed. Because it was just that: embarrassing. I have no faith in this team. Every time the Hawks pull you back with a fun, nice win, they come out looking like shit. Iā€™m not having fun. At all. This is depressing. So much hope for the season, and now we are playing bad basketball. Iā€™m so afraid of what the Resslerā€™s will continue to turn this team into. Iā€™m numb.

  3. CounterInsanity

    Another game where the team comes in unprepared in the 1st half. I’ve lost count of how many times that’s happened this season. It’s 100% a coaching issue.

    And why does it feel like AJ has been in the dog house these past few games? The team is playing like ass already, there’s no justification to not give the kid minutes.

  4. ShoyuPorkRamen

    Kendrick nunn playing like sixth man of the year

  5. ahend1999

    This season isnā€™t salvageable at all. I will be suprised if Nate gets fired before the season is over.

  6. Davidclabarr

    One more game and we are out of the playoff race

  7. Snifflymoth416

    This game is for all the people that think Trae is the problem, sure trae has been inefficient in games this season but even when he has a good game like tonight, other players have to step up too, he isn’t the problem with this team. Collins was absolute dogshit, hunter wasnt very good either and Nate is not a good coach

  8. dreadwolf8

    Hi mr mcmillan this is my fist say hi to mr micmillan fist

  9. SpeedRacing1

    Dunno how we fix our team but do we like ever actually start with a lead anymore :/ at least last year it felt like most games were close for the first half

  10. myhellcatgotRepod

    I thought rock bottom was blowing a 17 point lead to the Rockets in 1 quarter. Then I thought rock bottom was the Jimmyless heat sonning us. Then I thought rock bottom was letting the Magic score 50 in a quarter. Then I thought rock bottom was letting Klay drop 54 points. But now I know rock bottom was letting Kendrick Nunn drop 21 points cause surely it can’t get any worse than that right? Hopefully???

  11. Boraismybae

    Fire Nate ffs. It’s not all his fault but change needs to be made to see if they can still salvage the season

  12. RekeHavok

    you guys got Murray just to let Schroder and Nunn score 21 and 18. yikes

  13. petripeeduhpedro

    We look rough. The offense looks stagnant, and the defense looks disorganized

  14. It was a pretty typical Hawks game tonight. We had Thomas Bryant looking like prime Capela, Kendrick Nunn had his season high, and Dennis Schroeder went 5/8 from 3 against us.

  15. theblackchin

    I didnā€™t watch this game yā€™all, it was that bad?

  16. stalkmeo1

    I keep imagining if Boston denver or warriors have Nate as a coach would their stars still carry him. Trae really wanna shoot stupid 3s instead of a easy lay up many times he could just pass it up on a fast break to a teammate but nah ill shot a fuck you 3 from distance and miss.

  17. PrinceKarmaa

    saddest part about this team is they have the talent thatā€™s all i really have to say . watching games just arenā€™t fun anymore

  18. Frostythesnowmeme

    Well at least it stayed a blowout. Wouldā€™ve been nice to see Trae get 40 but I can live with this.

    Still firmly believe next week is Nateā€™s last week because our loss to the pacers will be the final inexcusable act of his tenure here. After that weā€™ll have 4 months to recover this season. Go hawks ig

  19. Chessh2036

    Nate obv has to go but it feels deeper than that. There is a toxic air around this team right now. And the FO drama isnā€™t helping. Idk how you salvage this season, itā€™s been a disaster. And if youā€™re Murray do you want to resign with this team next season or whenever? Doubt it.

  20. Adminscantkeepmedown

    Itā€™s not too late to go 18-64. This is the season to do it

  21. felixkorea

    i wish i can go to sleep but time zones say no

  22. The tanks have been dormant for a while now but it may be time to fire them back up, load them with bricks and join the war for Wemby. Nate McMillan, our dear leader, will lead us towards the bottom.

  23. streetsandshine

    I know that this game sucked, but there was a really cool stretch in the middle of the third quarter where Trae was assisted and got the ball on a bunch of open shots and drives with the defense in rotation. It was really cool to watch Trae with that dimension of offense.

    IDK if Nate’s the coach to develop that dimension to Trae’s game. He hasn’t done a great job yet. That said, if he can at least get Trae to become more comfortable with that, it might make the transition to new scheme and coach a bit more smooth and be one of those things that makes the Hawks eventual contenders.

  24. LegendaryIam

    The thing I love about football? You know when a coach typically will be getting fired when they have “that” kind of game performance. We can never know that for basketball. It kinda sucks lol

  25. HotOpportunity8648

    The part that hurts me most is, the organization wonā€™t make moves to tank the season so weā€™ll probably just miss out on a pick high enough to get one the superstar tier prospects or use in a trade but weā€™re good enough that weā€™ll probably make the play in or playoffs only to be eliminated early. This feels like itā€™s going to be a repeat of 07-17 all over again and I was told the rebuild was to get out of that space. I want to believe but I have no hope. Just pure pain and thoughts of what could of (could have – Thanks bot) been. Why does God hate the Hawks so much !!!!!!!!

  26. hawks-make-me-sad

    Ownership refuses to sign a big who can grab boards because it would put us in the luxury. Another night without Clint = Another predictable loss. It is what it is.

  27. Repulsive_Text_8146

    The basketball gods are still making us pay after that Houston game

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