@Denver Nuggets

The NBA Has NO ANSWER For Nikola Jokic And The Denver Nuggets

The Denver Nuggets are a terrifying team in the West.


NFL Channel:


  1. I wasn't a fan on the Nuggets acquiring Gordon, but he seems to work well with Joker. With injured players coming back, they are only going to get better. It will be VERY interesting to watch the teams with major players out with injuries as their stars come back. I think the injuries have added to the perceived parity in the league and as various players return it will provide separation. Good episode Luca.

  2. Why are you talking about MPJ when you are talking about Jokic. MPJ is not an important player in the nuggets – MPJ has the least percentage of 3 in the entire nuggets team. He plays next to Jokic for 30 minutes and only gives crosses if MVP assists him, and that's when he's alone. In which NBA team would MPJ be a starter – he wouldn't be a starter anywhere. Why are you promoting him – MPJ is the worst defensive player in the Denver Nuggets

  3. The Nuggets are a good defensive team? They're ranked number 23 in defensive rating. They are a bad transition defensive team. They're the best 3 point shooting team in the league and Jokic is dominant, but there are glaring weaknesses, mainly on defense. One thing I noticed, when the Lakers beat them for example, when Jokic has to work on defense it takes away from his offense. Most playoff teams in the West don't have a dominant big (unless you'd like to count Zion. I'm not sure what Ayton is doing). So they could make it to the Finals. But if they run into a team like Milwaukee, that will be a big problem for them…

  4. Bones has been really inconsistent. But when he is getting to the rim everything else opens up for him. For a late round first to be growing the way he is though is very encouraging and I hope to see him as an impactful scorer off the bench for a long time in this league. If he can get his defense respectable (and he has a super long wingspan, if he could learn to us it well), then he can be a really good starter or more.

  5. Even Michael Jordan couldn't win a championship without a string supporting cast. The joker is a Jordan who can't jump.

  6. Bones fantastic????If he is so fantastic,how come 74% of Nuggets games his box is minus,guy doesn't play defense,he is terribleeeeeee

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