@National Basketball Association

[Highlight] Jimmy Butler gets heavy contact while driving for the win but gets no call while Herro gets hurt on the play

[Highlight] Jimmy Butler gets heavy contact while driving for the win but gets no call while Herro gets hurt on the play

by JilJungJukk


  1. Bitter_Surround_5558

    Yeah I’m sorry, but that’s just unacceptable. Refs need to be reprimanded.

  2. Comfortable-Heron378

    First KD now Herro… just a rough game for both teams hope both aren’t anything serious at all

  3. Realistic_Camp5232

    9 pt lead no KD and gave up the game still. Just been a headache of a season

  4. mrwhite2323

    Clear foul, wild they didn’t call that.

  5. NitroXYZ

    They call that through the first 47 minutes of a game

  6. Calling the game different as the game closes is some big dumb energy

  7. YouStillTakeDamage

    I do not personally agree with the lack of a whistle, but the officials are known to be ass at this point, so what’s the point in complaining

  8. GodEmperorBrian

    Hero slips before the ball is inbounded in case anyone was confused, right as the beginning of the clip.

    Won’t lie, I’d be pissed if I was a Heat fan, but since I’m a Nets fan all I can say is great job refs!

  9. 3illyEdgar

    Even the nets commentators knew that was a foul lmao

  10. spritehead

    God damn what did Spo do to the refs wives

  11. MostlyLostTraveler

    Hope Herro is ok there. Everyone’s been slipping on the court tonight

  12. PenguinPrince1

    Fresh off the foul called on Fox yesterday. Not a good look for the league.

  13. Herro slipped on the fucking FTX logo, that shit is cursed

  14. Pulsar-GB

    Yep that’s a foul. Refs swallow their whistles at the end of games, add this as another example

  15. Flat-Stuff87

    weird play to run, when you know the refs will swallow their whistle in end of game situations

  16. tore_a_bore_a

    I appreciate that this highlight has the play and the replay

  17. Clear foul,but I am pretty sure Oladipo also fouled Ben on the screen to force the switch

  18. GlizzanderHolyfield

    Marginal contact at the end of a game = Call a foul

    Blatant foul at the end of a game = Refs swallow the whistle

  19. DancingCactius

    That was one of Butler’s best game winning attempts in a long time. Shame the refs didn’t give him a chance to win it, because that drive was clinical. Much better than his fade away threes at the buzzer.

  20. TheBoook

    Can’t wait for the pointless 2 minute report tomorrow

  21. TheGreatWaIl

    This is irrelevant but I’m just curious- is that a travel on the catch?

  22. SwishBreak

    Contact always gets ignored during end of game plays. I’m not sure if I agree with the fact it gets ignored but it is what it is.

    Also while i’m leaning towards this being a foul it’s really not as egregious as some of you are making it out to be lol

  23. schoolhater12

    Don’t worry this will get acknowledged on the Last 2 minute report, so heat fans get the moral victory. No action will be taken against the refs for this obvious missed call. What’s the point of these reports?

  24. grandmastakew

    Ita wild you can go from one game to the next and there is absolutely zero consistency and the nba thinks its okay.

    Raps n blazers had refs just manifesting shit outa thin air to this where there is clearly contact and nothing.

    Wasnt even chaos tony reffing either.

  25. KeeKings8

    C’mon refs this play and Fox’s play from last night are prime example of inconsistency.

  26. Financial-Task-3477

    Royce goes straight up, only lowers he’s arms when he gets bumped by Jimmy, arms don’t touch Jimmy. I mean… I’d like to see games officiated like this more often. It’s great that the refs aren’t going to bail you out on every play

  27. Rockstar408

    Honestly, this is a 50/50 call. Royce was straight up and when Jimmy jumped into him the arms came down but on closer up replay it didn’t look like he actually made any illegal contact. IMO the question is whether Royce was moving forward as he jumped or not.

  28. Contact is not a foul if the defender jumps vertically and the offense jumps into them

    But they usually call it a foul so idk

  29. No_Hovercraft_2719

    Is this a foul if the defender goes straight up?

  30. dBlock845

    Looks like a good contest to me, he didn’t bring his arms down and hit him, arms came forward from the impact in the chest. I cant really tell if he hit his arms but Royce went straight up, both went up at the same time.

  31. NickofTime2247

    Good no call. Defender goes straight up and gets to the spot before butler does. After butler makes contact the defenders arms come down but that doesn’t make this an illegal guarding position.

  32. Said this on the game thread, but it just looks bad in real-time. That baseline angle replay shows that he got to the spot first and jumped pretty straight up. The tiniest bit of forward motion, but the momentum of the collision afterwards makes it look a lot worse.

    Either way, this is such a fifty fifty call. Definitely not as obvious as some of these comments make it seem. And no one mentioning Jimmy’s travel in the first place lol

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