@Atlanta Hawks

Excerpt from John Collins’ latest interview with The Athletic on trade rumors

Excerpt from John Collins’ latest interview with The Athletic on trade rumors

by Financial-Refuse3396


  1. Financial-Refuse3396

    [Full interview here.](

    Other interesting tidbits for those who aren’t subscribed:

    * Says this season has been a transitional period and notes how every year he’s had a different rotation of teammates.
    * He thinks this current roster is extremely talented, but is lacking mentally.
    * Has a lot of respect for Nate as a coach.
    * Thinks consistent injuries have a lot to do with team performance.

  2. ahend1999

    seems like hes saying if “im here im here, if im not well so be it, i did what i could to express my want to stay here, its out of my hands”

  3. OkBarber6

    That last quote 🥲. You know this man wants to be here but being in constant rumors is just draining. We’re gonna move someone at the trade deadline to get under the luxury tax for next season, I just hope it’s not John. I at least want to see him under a quality coach before he gets traded

  4. foggyfoggy_

    Dude is such a professional, if he does get moved, whoever gets him is very lucky.

    How is it that the guy who has been in limbo and in rumors for years is still the biggest morale and glue guy on the team?

  5. Western-Bill3619

    Say what you will about him on the court, but he’s been a professional off the court for years and years of these dumb trade rumors

    And at the very least he gives it his all on the court

  6. Juganator

    Let’s be honest, not many people WANT to be Atlanta Hawks. JC has been all in on this team since he’s been here including all the highs and lows. I don’t see any trade scenario involving JC that would make us better in the short or long term.

    How would we benefit from trading JC? I’ve already lost faith in our front office for their handling of Huerter and then all the shuffling they have been doing.

  7. Maybe I’m just in a bad mood but there seems to be a lot between the lines here. I thought the lines about the players relationship with nate were pretty telling.

  8. hickom14

    Bro is the team player we need but don’t deserve.

  9. ImgonnawaverwireAB

    That’s pretty much the perfect attitude to have: I’m gonna play ball no matter what team wants me, so I might as well just focus on the game and ignore the outside noise. Love me some John Collins man

  10. DripGodAirborne

    Can’t blame bro. Wish he can stay a Hawk for a long time, he is not the problem at all.

  11. TraeYoungsOldestSon

    Perfect mentality, John, to not give a damn about the constant rumors. We all however, give a damn about you♥️♥️♥️

  12. mundane_marietta

    Just a complete side note, but KD will never sit out a game (especially after his one-year achilles healing) because he wants to beat Bron for the scoring title, so the Nets have a little more leverage than ppl realize.

  13. nosizethatsmall

    so fucking annoying they’ve put one of our best players through this year after year. pull the trigger or fucking don’t man. players are people too.

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