@Utah Jazz

Question about Spy Rudy and Rudy defending the PNR

Hi y’all! Two questions

\- How *often* did y’all use Spy Rudy last year and is the basic idea that instead of being glued to the largest offensive threat, he can stay in the paint and do [shit like this](

\- I was reading Jazz comments a while ago about how Rudy can defend both guys in the PNR (??) or defend the ball handler but also someone else at the same time? I don’t fully understand that – what does that mean and what did the other Jazz players do?

Man I feel bad for Rudy getting clowned in the past for not defending KAT, Jokic or the main offensive option. It sounds like that was the whole point – having him glued to one guy all night just wastes his skills. We just couldn’t use him like that until last week when viable defenders came back from injury

**Side note:** I did not realize the extent of [Rudy’s gravity]( Guys zap to him like flies into the paint…jesus. I knew he could create space for corner shooters but I did not realize it would be like 3 guys being sucked into a Rudy hole. Forget defense, the man brings an entire system to generate offense that the Wolves never had before. Pnr, lob threat, screens assists, putback dunks, Rudy’s gravity to create space on the outside. KAT’s system is sucking guys out and creating space to drive to the rim. Having both systems to exploit is invaluable. My mind is BLOWN. How does Rudy bring an entire system of offense AND defense all by himself??! I’m just shook rn

Also – happy to see Vando do so well lately. Lauri is a joy to watch. Hope Beasley comes out of his slump, it’s amazing to watch him get hot

by Minute-Decent


  1. austinc668

    Never really heard the term Spy Rudy until today so props for that. The Jazz basically developed a system that allowed for perimeter players to funnel opposing players to Rudy in the paint and let him go to work. Our perimeter players would basically allow players to drive towards the rim in the direction of Rudy basically. This works best when the Rudy guards a non-shooting big or player, allowing him to stay close to the paint as much as possible. We developed our entire system around this so we used it all the time. The problem that got exposed in the playoffs is if teams run a 5 out lineup, the Jazz would try to stick him on the worst shooter and hope he could still cheat and stay close to the rim, sometimes this still worked. But ultimately the problem was that the Jazz had so many terrible perimeter defenders, pulling Rudy away from the rim even a little bit, allowed for the rest of our players to get targeted and scored on.

    He is easily the best Center in the league at guarding the pnr because of his ability to use his length and timing to defend two players at once. Next time you watch Rudy play, notice how he will stay in front and almost in the middle of any pnr action on defense and basically guard the 2 pnr players on the drive. He has nearly mastered that timing & using his length to force players to make difficult decisions and more times then not Rudy wins that battle.

    Also props to you for paying attention to the amount of offensive gravity that Rudy gives you. Our offense was so lethal with him in the game because we had terrific shooters all around him. Every fast break he would sprint to the rim with his hands up and players would draw to him and then we would have open corner 3s. We basically made teams decide whether they wanted to give up a dunk at rim or an open 3 every possession. He also is easily the best screener is the NBA and created so many open shots for our perimeter players. Screen assists should be a more recognized stat because of him!

    Glad there’s a Twolves fan that appreciates Rudy’s greatness. Treat him well. Best of luck the rest of season.

  2. Yea Rudy is not a 1on1 defender. Yes his length and size gives post scorers issues, but his main strength is with off ball/help rim protection. It allows him to best utilize his quickness and length. He’s the ultimate rim protecter, but if you stick him on someone like KAT all game it won’t work. KAT will just pull him out of the paint and chill at the 3 pt line all game.

    With the “spy Rudy” defense, it’s harder to take him out the paint. And allows him to kind of play like a Safety in football.

    The issue in utah, is when he would come off his man to guard the rim, his other perimeter defenders would not properly rotate to cover his original guy. And that led to the infamous Mann game. Just wide open every time.

  3. helix400

    > I was reading Jazz comments a while ago about how Rudy can defend both guys in the PNR

    Think a pick and roll leading to a potential layup or alley-oop. The picker and the roller will both head to the basket. Rudy was capable of defending either option.

    What Rudy can’t do is defend a roller if the picker stays out on the 3 point line. Because, you know, nobody can defend the rim and the 3 point line simultaneously. You need guards who switch, and our guys didn’t care to switch. That’s the #1 reason the team got blown up last offseason.

    >Man I feel bad for Rudy getting clowned in the past for not defending KAT, Jokic or the main offensive option

    Rudy struggled to guard Jokic because the guy has a ridiculous high release/high arc shot. Sometimes Rudy would get a block, like when Jokic tried a sky hook in crunch time. But that jumper, whew, it’s unguardable unless you exhaust the guy prior through body contact. Also, Marc Gasol figured out Rudy, you just need a 6 foot floater over his arms.

    Rudy can do 1v1 defense just fine now. But he’s much better just letting him own the paint and doing a zone defense of sorts.

    The guy isn’t perfect. He didn’t really want to be a team leader in the locker room, he’s too calm for that. He struggles offensively. He doesn’t body people up on defense to wear them down through exhaustion. But he is one of the top defensive players of all time.

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