@Dallas Mavericks

Holy shit

Holy shit

by BjornLakenstrazen


  1. Active_Page_3886

    Sadly, Iā€™d rather have either of those other guys than Reggie Buttock

  2. PrinceofEden23

    I’m really hoping we see some improvement for his shooting. We wouldn’t be playing him so much if had Josh, Maxi and DFS back but now its just so glaring watching him run cardio

  3. bones-n-hugs

    Butā€¦ butā€¦ his defenseā€¦.. hasnā€™t even been great either.

  4. sarcastic_whatever

    I have nothing but hate for his game this season. And for Kidd giving him so much playing time. Absolutely berserk…


    Only 3?

    Couldā€™ve sworn we were close to double digits

  6. mavericksnipe

    Hasnā€™t even been making up for it with his defense. Pisses me off watching this dude brick open 3 after open 3 and smile afterwards.

  7. RoyTarpleysGhost

    Iā€™m honestly shocked heā€™s not leading. Canā€™t believe 76ers gave PJ Tucker a three year deal.

  8. SenpaiNas-_-

    He’s out there for vibes and cardio :/

  9. NiceCrispyMusic

    We got Reggie’s last good bit of basketball last season.

    He’s completely washed now.

  10. jakekerr

    Heā€™s on the ā€œoffensive black holeā€ list in an article Hoop Doctors just ran.

  11. And clowns….but..but…but last year playoffs solid defense and 40%.

  12. Dirks_Knee

    Guys who take a long time to get into game shape clearly aren’t putting in the work in the offseason and at some point it catches up to them. Bullock is done, will be lucky to get a min salary after this he’s cut next season to avoid his contract becoming guaranteed.

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