@San Antonio Spurs

San Antonio Spurs Mid-Season Report Card Spurs TANK!?

The perfect TANK!?


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  1. We are heading in the right direction, just think we need a floor general to calm the young guys down.

  2. I really think if we get the top 5 pick we're gonna be a playoff team again not a championship team but a playoff team

  3. The future is bright for us spurs fans. We may not like losing games but for me as long as they compete or atleast lose in a close game is good good job already.

  4. I get what you meant by putting the Perfect tank in the thumbnail. It looks like Pop has these guys literally playing for a championship every game, but the losses are there and looking back in retrospect, if we end up getting the number one pick, we can say , we played our asses off that season and developed some really good players.

  5. Stanley Johnson has shown to be our most persistent and solid player "with the most dawg in him." Hope he stays a Spur… but could be a promising piece of a larger trade to a team ready to 'win now.' Go Stanley Go!

  6. Solid takes on the players – Thanks! Really hope the Spurs can trade McDermott and Richardson for draft picks (they could throw in Roby too). Whole heartedly agree that Stanley Johnson and Charles Bassey are keeps.

  7. I like what I'm seeing with this team – good spirit, good chemistry, constantly learning. The tough thing for other teams when they play the Spurs is that they don't know who to try to lock down. One game KJ is one fire, the next game everyone on the team shares the scoring burden. When these players are hitting shots, they are competing with, and sometimes winning against, teams that have much better records. They are heading in a very good direction and will be a force once they get a true star to build around.

  8. If that Charlotte pick wasn't protected, we could have had a chance to get both Scoot and Wembeyama.

  9. You were dead on with Keldon. Everyone knows this year Keldon is the man that needs to be shut down so everyone's defensive scheme revolves around him. He's got to learn to get through it and adjust.

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