@Boston Celtics

Draymond interview touches on racist remarks from Celtics fans in the finals

Draymond interview touches on racist remarks from Celtics fans in the finals

by stackinpointers


  1. PopeJeremy10

    Celtics fans, take this as an opportunity to get involved. If you see or hear another fan do or say something racist ask them to stop or get an usher involved.

  2. ObligationObvious220

    They chanted fuck you draymond and called him a bitch. If anyone said any racist remarks they’d be kicked out immediately. Not buying it. Anyone who thinks you can go to the garden and sit in a section close enough for draymond to hear them saying racist remarks is naïve.

  3. Kolzig33189

    He just gets more unlikeable by the minute. Basically it’s “they hate me and chanted mean things very loudly so it must be racism.” It couldn’t be he’s hated because he’s got a mile long list of extremely dirty plays, no not at all.

  4. TatumBrownSmart

    Hmm… I’m pretty sure Adam Silver wouldn’t have said what he had said about our fans if he thought we were racially abusing him.

    “I want fans to enjoy themselves. I mean, of course as the league office you want to see it done with respect for all the participants, but I get it. I love the energy that the Boston fans bring to the game.” – Silver’s response

    Why you lying Dray?

    Oh that’s right, because you following the Klutch playbook, laid out by LeBron: Exaggerate everything for your own benefit.

  5. DoomdUser

    It feels like once a month some asshole reopens this “Everyone in Boston is racist” discussion.

    Draymond just got a fan literally ejected from a game in Milwaukee for saying “we’ll give you a pass”, he had a publicly televised fucking meltdown in the middle of a game over it – there is ZERO chance someone within earshot of him directed something racist at him and he just let it go and kept playing. He also got ejected himself in Dallas for getting into a profanity-laced shouting match with a fan. There is no way I will ever believe that someone in the arena shouted something racist to Draymond and he didn’t react to it.

    This is just some pot-stirring bullshit.

  6. jayscur10

    What a squid lol I can almost guarantee no one said anything racist to him

  7. jaym1849

    If anyone said anything racist at the game then they should be banned for life, zero tolerance there.

    With that being said, if this was in regards to the “fuck you Draymond” and “Bitch” chants then that is clearly not racist.

    If you call everything racist it devalues ACTUAL racism – it does way more harm than good.

    Furthermore, the players being almost completely silent on the clear racism towards Jewish people makes a lot of this stuff sound so hypocritical. You’re either against ALL FORMS of racism or you’re not. You don’t pick and choose what forms of racism you accept, that makes you a racist.

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