@Golden State Warriors

The Curry Disrespect

The Curry Disrespect

by A1cp666


  1. Luka has 439 FTA this season, 300 more than curry. I know curry has missed 10 games this season but that differential is mind blowing smh. The curry disrespect is REAL.

  2. SeekingSignificance


  3. Iā€™ve been wondering something for a while with Kerr and think now is a great time for him to do it. After one of these games soon, Kerr needs to absolutely go off about lack of calls for Steph. Like really go off. Get people talking about it. Get espn and fox to make reels of missed Steph no calls people debating about it. Make the fine really worth it for really criticizing the refs. And Iā€™m sure Lacob will gladly take care of the fine on Kerrs behalf. But he gets whacked way too much with no call and I think they should start drawing more attention to it.

  4. So a couple of pretty funny (as in so absurd it made me laugh but then also want to cry lol) stats I came across a couple of days ago when I was looking through player FT numbers for the season so far were:

    Giannis, the current leader in FTAs this season, has single-handedly attempted (449 FTAs on 719 FGAs) more than half the amount the entire warriors team has attempted (823 FTAs on 3690 FGAs). But the more egregious fun fact is that
    Giannisā€™ 449 FTAs over 34 games this season is more than (most seasons itā€™s over 100 attempts more) Steph has attempted in an ENTIRE SEASON in his career. The most FTAs Steph has ever had in a season was 400 in the 2015-2016 season during which he played 79 games.

    Also before anyone responds with *he drives to the basket so much more so obviously heā€™s going to have more* lol please just donā€™t. Yes he does so Giannis’ FTA numbers will always be higher than Steph’s but if youā€™re going to pretend that Giannis’ FTA/FGA is not grossly inflated by him being a human bowling ball plowing through players while initiating the contact – and frequently traveling in the process – the majority of the time then thereā€™s not a serious discussion to be had lol.

  5. EquipmentNo9500

    This is absolutely disgraceful by the NBA.

  6. Hotpwnsta

    He clearly got fouled on a 3 pt make from top of the key in 4th quarter yesterday.

    Couldā€™ve gotten seriously hurt again.

    Fucken refs. šŸ˜”

  7. Mygaffer

    I thought it was hilarious how blatant the discrepancy is with him. Look at the foul they called *on* him for hitting Bridges hand after the ball was released versus how soon defenders are allowed to hit Curry’s hand after he releases the ball.

    The league officiates different players in different ways and it’s bullshit.

  8. Brendonicous

    Compare to Jimmy ā€œFree-throwsā€ Butler where ***30%*** of his points are from Free-throws.

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