@Chicago Bulls

courtesy of @StephNoh

courtesy of @StephNoh

by DownvoteFarmingLibs


  1. Couldn’t even figure out the correct shot to take lmao

    Yes he got fouled and it wasn’t called. He can’t just assume the call is going his way and just toss it up from 2….

  2. I had to leave with a few mins left. Why did he take a 2 point shot down 3 with almost no time left?

  3. SmokimNoah

    Was anyone even saying this? It was Billy should draw an actual play or Zach should get SOME

    An airball over two defenders is the same result as whatever Zach just did lol

  4. Aware_Library2718

    Shoutout to that one post the other after the Celtics game saying how good we looked without DeRozan in the second half

    We were within 3 for 5 minutes but both teams took turns bricking and we couldn’t take advantage. This is where we miss DeRozan heavily because he calms us down, down the stretch. He either makes the tough bucket or makes the right pass

    I don’t think everyone truly appreciates DeMar’s ability in the fourth (leading the league in efficiency this year and last year in the clutch. You’ll only see it when he doesn’t play or is no longer on this team

  5. moneyman2222

    DeRozan playing 4D chess. He told Lavine to take the 2 because he knew it would be a bad look and DeMar can continue to take all the last shots for the rest of his life

    EDIT: Damn I guess y’all don’t know sarcasm

  6. Derozan’s missed a lot of game winners as well, surely Zach can get at least 4 more chances before we give up on it

  7. Capital-Vacation-881

    I can’t believe people still blame Zach when you have Pat and Caruso building the next Great Wall of China with their bricks tonight. This L was not on him but on everyone around him.

  8. Hoping4highyields

    This is completely discounting Zach hitting the turnaround 3 with 1.0 on the shot clock to tie the game at 97. If Pat or Caruso shot just a little bit better we aren’t in this close of a game.

  9. jzfaus725

    Wright was easily able to help off because they know Caruso can’t shoot. While yes it is hard to put the game in the hands of the refs, but Zach no option but to go for the continuation because no one was open except caruso who was behind him and it’s hard to go back behind the line with 2 seconds left to attempt a three.

  10. Idk how many ppl are begging for LaVine to take the shot over DeMar. What most want is a real damn play ran instead of the same tired ass iso 8 pump fakes contested mid range shot in the last 10 secs

  11. Kitchen_Ad_3753

    Dude had 38 and we’re still blaming him for the L? How about anyone else be better?

    I like Pat, but that motor of his is a clunker.

  12. MrBuckBuck

    Yo, Wizards fan here, I come in peace!

    A very intense game tonight, I didn’t believe we’d come back, let alone play defense & hustle!

    Credit to Zach LaVine – he carried you throughout the game (Nikola was also underrated, I think) – he made some really TOUGH SHOTS in our players’ faces – unbelievable.

    [These are fun facts & stats I’ve researched & collected myself, you may want to take a look (Also about the Bulls)](

    [I still remember your warm welcome the last time I commented here]( (I’ll always remember it, to be honest – I didn’t see it coming) – it was a bit of a rough week for me back then, and I’ve never stopped smiling sense, so thank you.

    *Magically fading & flying away*

  13. Responsible_Tip2709

    I mean he got fouled but alright…this sub sometimes man. Dude had zero help tonight

  14. Obi_Wan_Gebroni

    Maybe if Caruso wasn’t a black fucking hole on offense and Pat and Ayo could make shots we’d have won.

    That or maybe don’t give up 41 to the dogshit wizards in a single quarter.

  15. Zach needs to stop acting like the refs are going to give him all these fouls he wants. You ain’t kobe, Zach! The refw don’t love you like that. *Yet* . He needs to quit trying to whine his way into foul calls been watching it for like 3 seasons at least now. You’re not gonna get superstar calls that way bro!

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