@Boston Celtics

The Celtics are 6-0 vs Kyrie since doing this at the Garden

The Celtics are 6-0 vs Kyrie since doing this at the Garden

by SloppyMcNuggets


  1. Broadway_Baller

    Kyrie had Prime Lebron (got a ring), goes to the Celtics with two blossoming stars and even makes an ECF while being injured. Then leaves that situation to team up with KD.

    Really makes you think how much opportunity he had in his career only to win 1 title. I feel like tingles guys like Dame, Chris Paul, Harden would have multiple rings in those situations

  2. AreolianMode

    Guys, look how much it doesn’t bother him!

  3. Stock_Perspective_99

    Him and Hayward had the most forgettable celtics careers. Like in 10 years people won’t even know they were ever on the team

  4. BAF_DaWg82

    I completely forgot about this. What a dink!

  5. HarryGateau

    I have zero problem with this. I honestly thought it was hilarious when I saw it live.

  6. JaydadCTatumThe1st

    Ah, back when Kyrie was merely figuratively Hitler. Good times.

  7. Mrmojorisincg

    There aren’t many star players in any sport that are as hated as he is by a team they were a star player for… he really deserves it too

  8. StreetsCalling89

    Kyrie will always be a top favorite player of mine even if he hates the Celtics/fanbase now. He is one of the main players that got me into basketball and my first basketball shoe was his.

  9. OriginalCrawnick

    What’s the record since he wiped his feet on Lucky?

  10. easymoneycroomy

    Glad we got rid of Kryknee, he’s a weirdo who can’t lead a team and a hypocrite who told the fans that he’ll resign.

  11. Some_Cockroach_4077

    I’m so happy he’s on the nets. It fits him. Shit franchise with a shit face to your franchise

  12. ArrrArrr0611

    Can we stop hating the guy and just move on?

  13. road2five

    Say what you will about Kyrie, he is very fun to hate

    I love rivalries gimme more shit talk like this so I can boo you

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