@Boston Celtics

Post Game Thread: The Boston Celtics defeat The Charlotte Hornets 122-106

#Boston Celtics at Charlotte Hornets

Spectrum Center- Charlotte, NC




|Time Clock|

|BOS |31|31|33|27|122|
|CHA |34|32|19|21|106|

###Player Stats

**Boston Celtics**

|J. Tatum|36:54|33|12-27|4-14|5-5|3|6|9|6|0|1|1|0|26
|A. Horford|32:48|16|6-10|4-7|0-0|1|6|7|6|2|0|0|4|11
|R. Williams III|27:31|6|3-6|0-0|0-1|6|6|12|3|2|1|0|1|18
|D. White|4:05|8|3-3|2-2|0-0|0|0|0|0|0|0|1|0|1
|M. Smart|35:38|13|5-15|3-12|0-0|0|2|2|12|2|0|2|2|24
|M. Brogdon|31:23|30|11-17|4-6|4-4|0|3|3|3|1|0|0|2|9
|G. Williams|22:46|3|1-4|1-3|0-0|0|4|4|3|0|0|1|2|-1
|P. Pritchard|26:45|9|4-11|1-6|0-0|2|1|3|2|1|0|1|1|4
|S. Hauser|5:22|2|1-3|0-2|0-0|0|1|1|0|0|0|0|1|-14
|L. Kornet|11:11|2|1-1|0-0|0-0|2|2|4|0|0|2|1|1|4
|J. Jackson|3:53|0|0-1|0-1|0-0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|1|-2
|J. Davison|1:44|0|0-1|0-0|0-0|0|1|1|0|0|0|0|0|0

**Charlotte Hornets**

|J. McDaniels|27:55|9|4-8|1-2|0-0|0|0|0|1|0|0|0|2|-12
|P. Washington|37:24|14|5-8|4-7|0-0|0|3|3|4|0|0|1|1|-8
|M. Plumlee|32:54|9|4-10|0-0|1-2|3|13|16|1|0|0|1|0|-21
|T. Rozier|35:57|21|8-17|2-8|3-4|1|3|4|3|0|1|2|0|-21
|L. Ball|38:38|31|11-27|1-8|8-8|1|6|7|9|1|0|5|2|-7
|D. Smith Jr.|17:03|2|1-4|0-0|0-0|0|1|1|3|1|0|2|1|-1
|N. Richards|13:22|8|4-5|0-0|0-0|1|5|6|0|0|1|0|1|5
|C. Martin|20:58|8|3-5|0-0|2-2|3|2|5|0|0|0|0|4|-7
|J. Thor|10:36|2|0-2|0-2|2-3|0|1|1|0|0|0|0|0|-8
|M. Williams|1:44|2|1-2|0-0|0-0|1|1|2|0|0|0|0|0|0
|B. McGowens|1:44|0|0-0|0-0|0-0|0|1|1|0|0|0|0|0|0
|K. Jones|1:44|0|0-0|0-0|0-0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0
###Team Stats



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  1. saalamander

    Let’s not gloss over hauser giving up an and 1 and getting yanked immediately for Justin Jackson. First actual crack at a real game for jackson this season I believe. Mazzulla is tiring of hauser.

    Poor Sammy. Really wish he’d find his shot again. He’s unplayable if he doesn’t. Let’s hope today’s game doesn’t signify the beginning of the end for him.

  2. AreolianMode

    PP and timelord for all nba effort team. These dudes BALL.

  3. RickmanLives

    That game turned on a Mazulla timeout.

    We have evolved

  4. Brad-Stevens

    Brown out, White goes down


    What a game by him

    6 straight

    keep it rollllllin

  5. Excellent recovery in the second quarter to turn it around and keep the pressure on until the end of the game.

  6. DaveM1299

    That Charlotte in-arena announcer was really cringey, especially when he started a defense chant with himself.

  7. GuccyStain

    Missed the start of the game.. what happened to white?

  8. AirJordan6124

    Hauser may not be ready once the playoffs comes. We need an “experienced” extra wing for the Jays off the bench.

  9. stargazing1111

    Brogdon is great, nice to see Al hitting some 3s, Tatum arrived big in the second half… hope D White is ok

  10. DieYuppieScum91

    Looks like 30 for 30 is back on the menu.

  11. 1337speak

    Brogdon, Rob Will, and PP really fucking stepped up when Derrick White left the game. I know it’s just the Hayward-less Hornets but it was a great win since we were down ~15 at one point.

  12. derekgoodspeed

    We are so damn lucky to have Brogdan on this team.

  13. ThanosIsDoomfist

    Yall talked so much shit about Brogdon and hes been great since.

  14. Bluedeepdive57

    They had us in the first half not gonna lie also Brogdon for 6MOTY

  15. Jpgamerguy90

    Clock struck midnight on Hauser it appears.

    Onto better news… Brogdon getting 6 man methinks.

  16. zgamer200

    No Brown, no White, no problem for President Brogdon who dropped his first 30 point game as a Celtics. Easily his best game in green so far, and a reminder of what he can bring to this team when healthy(I’m of the opinion that his recent slump was moreso a result of his hamstring injury lingering). As for other thoughts…

    -Seems like Rob(6/12/3 with 2 steals and a block) is no longer being limited to 22-ish minutes a game. He had 29 last game and 28 tonight, and I imagine he’d have closed this one out if it were closer at the end

    -Tatum with 33/9/6. not his best shooting night, but with how well rounded his game has become he can still have a superstar level impact despite that

    -Marcus “not a real Point Guard” Smart with 12 assists. He now has 22 total assists over the last 2 games

    -Pritchard didn’t have his 3 ball tonight(1/6 from 3, 4/11 overall), but he made a big impact despite that by pushing the pace, grabbing some tough rebounds, and doing a good job on the defensive end as well

    -Horford with what felt like a very casual 16/8/6 and 2 steals night. He continues to age like a fine wine

  17. Aggressive_Camp7336

    Y’all think we rest Tatum on Monday? I hope we do

  18. Before the game started I had told a buddy Tatum would go for 38-8-6. Pretty close if I say so myself lol

  19. Rebil2017


  20. BannerEighteen

    Joe was not hesitant to use those timeouts today for all of you guys still concerned about that. Tatum dominated the third quarter but I still would like to see better shot selection. Solid win today. Hope White is okay.

  21. lefebrave

    I love Tatum and so happy we got Brogdon, but I also love Smart. Please don’t underrate him with those 3s, if you are watching the games.

  22. No_Football1323

    A 30 piece by Brogdon. He is so hot right now

  23. A-weema-weh

    They need to keep Kornet in more. I don’t understand our coaches strategy. Took him out when he was doing great. Thank god for brog

  24. Man I feel bad for Charlotte fans, this team totally collapsed in the last third of this game.

  25. Organic_Climate_7585

    Good response to a sloppy first 1.5 quarters. Just praying the Buffalo is okay.

  26. dubnessofp

    6 wins in a row and 8 of 10. Do y’all remember when there was a major contingent here ready to fire the coach of the best team in the NBA?

  27. BananaStandBaller

    Missed the game, did Derrick White get hurt or was Brogdon just the hot hand so he took all the minutes?

  28. ftlftlftl

    Glad to see brogdon out of his slump the last few games.

  29. FloweredWallpaper

    Despite being shorthanded, and fucking around for a quarter an a half, they dropped the hammer.

    Giving up 40 points in the second half after giving up 66 in the first was just glorious

  30. Plastic_Database_645

    Anyone knows White Neck strain? I just hope it’s not serious 🙁

  31. Random question and someone please correct me if I’m wrong, but is Eddie House wearing a Terror Squad chain?

  32. xiyangmili

    Concerned about White’s neck sprain. Bless him

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