@Atlanta Hawks

Are the Atlanta Hawks Still Working off the Warriors’ Blueprint?

Are the Atlanta Hawks Still Working off the Warriors’ Blueprint?

by aurelianson


  1. aurelianson

    Some highlights from Ric Bucher here:

    – At one point, Travis assessed the team and thought it would be smart to explore trade options around Trae. Trae, Nick and Landry were obviously unhappy with this, which started their rift.

    – Speculation: Ric has heard from scouts that Trae is unliked in the locker room and players like Collins or Bodganovic don’t see him as being that far ahead of them in terms of playing ability.

    – The Hawks aren’t the first case of nepotism in the NBA. The Warriors (Lacobs) and Lakers (Buss) have high ranking executives that are related to the owners but the Hawks/Resslers are unique in that they have attached themselves to Trae instead of the team.

    all in all, folks, Ric paints a grim picture for the Hawks and we’ll just have to see how Nick and Landry do.

  2. sm1tty404

    Saw some clips of this on twitter and i feel like majority of this is bullshit and just dunking on Trae in a super biased fashion. It’s not surprising though because if you’ve seen Ric Bucher over the years, he’s known for being a hack for his horrible takes and NEVER having real info.

  3. Part of me is wondering why this “Travis wanted to trade Trae” talk is coming out now rather than on any of the other articles covering these issues

  4. I’m trying to listen to this but this guy annoys the shit out of me

    “If the spurs are ready to move on from a player then buyer beware” trying to imply that Dejounte ain’t shit and we got swindled.

    Cool. Well they traded DJ and put their chips in on a guy that sexually assaults people so where did that get them? Have the spurs ever been relevant without a HOF player in their front court? Didn’t think so.

    “I’ve always thought that Bogi doesn’t like Trae based on his body language”.

    “Trust me I’ve been studying NBA players for over 25 years”

    Ok this guy can get fucked I’m sorry I gave him a listen. Turning this off.

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