@Houston Rockets

Spineless Silas with the absolute banging rotation to start the 4th. Was fun until then ✌️

Spineless Silas with the absolute banging rotation to start the 4th. Was fun until then ✌️

by _s0lace_


  1. SirRobertFord

    Dont post this guys face, it makes me furious to see him after today.

  2. youhscrw

    Sengun and KJ didn’t sub in till around 6:00 left when the game was practically over.

    Absolute revolutionary and unpredictable coaching

  3. youhscrw

    What was he even doing??!!??? 🔥🔥🔥💯💯

  4. VotePilotOfficial

    Finally you say something with sense.

  5. RocketsBG

    I was on the fence with Silas, but after this disaster if he has any self respect, he should just quit. Bad coaching can ruin young players careers, we’ve seen this many times. Unfortunately this is not even bad coaching… This is some next level shit.

  6. NumerousCustard2622

    I don’t Silas anywhere these kids anymore. This is absurd

  7. conker1264

    He literally has no idea what he’s doing

  8. I think he seems like a really nice guy. I feel for him with his father passing. I don’t have anything against him as a person. But I’d like a different look in the coaching dept.

  9. He waited until securing the loss. It was obviously the purpose. There is no other explanation.

  10. Epic_erka

    I wish they’d just come out and say that they are throwing games on purpose. Too many examples around to make it look like accidental bad coaching.

  11. Franco7x77

    I think the only reasonable explanation is that the front office might fear drawing attention from league officials if we beat top tier teams like the Bucks, Sixers and Clippers and yet our record is last in the league.

    If you can beat top teams then you can beat some of these other teams too.

    Just trying to avoid any investigation.

  12. Ceziboyn

    Imagine your coach, FO and some of your fan base cares more about the players they don’t have yet… These kids are not the “Rockets’ young core”, they’re replaceable assets.

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